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Profile form – adult (cognitive, executive function; attention/concentration, memory, memory/motivation, language, visual, motor, somatosensory/olfaction, academic achievement, personality/mood) (2006)
Strauss, Sherman & Spreen
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 32-37
Children’s neuropsychological test profile (attention/executive, learning & memory, language, visual motor) (2006)
Strauss, Sherman & Spreen
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 38-43
Background questionnaire – adult (symptom survey, early history, medical history, substance abuse history, family history, personal history) (2006)
Strauss, Sherman & Spreen
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 59-67
Background questionnaire – child (child’s family, current medication, behavior checklist, cognitive skills, developmental history, medical history) (2006)
Strauss,Sherman & Spreen
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 68-74
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (1975)
Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (MMMSE) (1987)
MMSE for Children (1993)
Folstein, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 168-189
National Adult Reading Test (NART; NART-2; NAART35; AM-NART) (1982; 2002; 1991)
Nelson, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 189-200
Cognitive Estimation Test (CET) (1994)
Biber Cognitive Estimation Test (BCET) (2004)
Axelrod, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 437-443
Design Fluency Test (1977)
Jones-Gotman & Milner
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 450-456
Five-Point Test (1982)
Regard, Strauss & Knapp
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 456-460
Self-Ordered Pointing Test (SOPT) (1982)
Petrides & Milner
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 471-477
Stroop Test: Victoria version, Golden version (1978; 1981)
Regard & Golden
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 477-499
Verbal Fluency (Controlled Oral Word Association, Word Fluency, Letter Fluency, FAS-Test, Category Fluency, Phonemic Fluency, Semantic Fluency, Controlled Verbal Fluency, and Thurstone Word Fluency Test). (COWA; FAS-Test). Verbal Fluency (Controlled Oral Word Association, Word Fluency, Letter Fluency, FAS-Test, Category Fluency, Phonemic Fluency, Semantic Fluency, Controlled Verbal Fluency, and Thurstone Word Fluency Test)
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 499-526
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) (Uchiyama Alternate Form; Hinton-Bayre instruction and descriptions, form B, form C, form D (1994; 2005).
Uchiyama, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (200), pp. 617-628
Trail Making Test (TMT) (Partington Pathways, Oral Trail Making Test) (1949; 1994).
Partington, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 655-677
Brown-Peterson Task: Auditory Consonant Trigrams Stuss version; Children version (Paniak) ; Four Word Short-Term Memory Tests. (1987; 1997; 2002)
Stuss, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 704-713
Buschke Selective Reminding Test (SRT); Selective Reminding Test; Verbal Selective Reminding Tests (VSRT); Hanny & Levin version, Clodfelter version for children; Morgan word list and scoring sheet for children (1987; 1985; 1982).
Clodfeter, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 713-729
Rey-Osterrieth Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT); Lezak, Geffen, Majan, and WHO/UCLA versions; 30-Word Recognition List (1983; 1994; 1993; 2005; 1996
Lezak, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 776-810
Rey Complex Figure Test , Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, Complex Figure Test, Rey Figure, Osterrieth Form A; Taylor Form B; Modified Taylor Complex Figure; Medical College of Georgia Complex Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, (ROCF; CFT; RF; MTCF) (1944; 1969; 2002; 1990)
Ostrrieth, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 811-841
Sentence Repetition Test; Sentence Memory; Spreen & Benton Forms A and B (1969)
Spreen & Benton
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 854-859
Boston Naming Test-2: Mack Short Form (Mack SF4), CERAD, Williams and Graves items (BNT-2; Mack SF4).(1992; 1989; 2004)
Mack, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 901-915
Dichotic Listening-Words Victoria version (1985)
Strauss, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 916-922
Token Test, Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Examination for Aphasia (subtest 11) version (NCCEA) (1969)
Spreen & Benton
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 963-962.
Bells Cancellation Test (Bells Test) (1989).
Gauthier, Dehaut & Joanette
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 968-972
Clock Drawing Test, with Royall, Sunderland, Shulman, and Cohen’s children scoring (CDT) (1998; 1989; 2000).
Royall, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 972-983
Finger Localization (1955)
Benton, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1013-1017.
Geriatric Depression Scale (Mood Assessment Scale) (GDS) (1982; 1983)
Brink, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1099-1107
Also available at:
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living. (IADL) (1969)
Lawton & Brody
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1107-1113
Also available at:
The Dot Counting Test. (DCT) (1983)
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1161-1165
Rey Fifteen-Item Test, Fifteen Item Memory Test, Rey’s Memory Test, Rey’s 3 x 5 Test; Rey FIT Recognition Stimuli (FIT) (1964).
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1166-1171
21 Item Test (1991)
Iverson, Franzen & McCracken
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1176-1179
Victoria Symptom Validity Test (VSVT) (1994)
Slick, et al.
IN Strauss, Sherman & Spreen (2006), pp. 1179-1184
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