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TMDB - Tests and Measures Database: Nezu2000

Practitioner's Guide to Empirically Based Measures of Depression (2000)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Nezu, A. M. (Ed.). (2000). Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of depression (AABT clinical assessment series). New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum. [24 full-text instruments]




Automatic thoughts questionnaire-revised (ATQ R) (1989)
Kendall, Howard & Hays
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 172-174, 273-275, 277-278

Center for Epidemiological Studies depression scale (CES D) (1977)
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 39-42, 270-271, 279

Cognitive triad inventory (CTI) (1986)
Beckham et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 189-191, 273-275, 280-281

Cornell scale for depression in dementia (1988)
Alexopoulos et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 133-135, 272, 282-283

Depression anxiety stress scales (DASS) (1995)
Lovibond & Lovibond
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 42-45, 270-271, 284-285

Depression check questionnaire (DCQ) (1994)
Tan & Stoppard
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 202-204, 273-275, 286-287

Depression proneness rating scale (DPRS) (1990)
Zemore et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 204-206, 273-275, 288-289

Depression rating scale (DRS) (1988)
Cohen-Mansfield & Marx
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 135-137, 272, 290-291

Divorce dysfunctional attitudes scale (DDAS) (1999)
Lakey et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 209-211, 273-275, 292-293

Frequency of self reinforcement questionnaire (FSRQ) (1983)
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 214-216, 273-275, 294

Geriatric depression scale (GDS) (1983)
Yesavage et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 137-139, 272, 295
Public domain and available in many languages at

Hamilton rating scale for depression (HRSD) (1960)
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 58-60, 270-271, 296-298

Hopelessness depression symptom questionnaire (HDSQ) (1997)
Metalsky & Joiner
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 61-63, 270-271, 299-302

Inventory of depressive symptomatology self report (IDS) (1982/1988)
Rush et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 66-68, 270-271, 303-307

Medically based emotional distress scale (MEDS) (1993)
Overholser et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 143-145, 272, 308-310

Pleasant events schedule (PES AD) (1997)
Logsdon & Teri
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 226-228, 273-275, 311-315

Positive and negative affect scales (PANAS) (1988)
Watson, Clark & Tellegen
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 89-92, 270-271, 316

Raskin three-area severity of depression scale (1970)
Raskin et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 96-98, 270-271, 317

Revised grief experience inventory (RGEI) (1993)
Lev, Munro & McCorkle
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 235-237, 273-275, 318-319

Rimon's brief depression scale (RBDS) (1987)
Keltikangas-Jarvinen & Rimon
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 106-108, 270-271, 320

Self control schedule (SCS) (1980)
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 240-242, 273-275, 321-322

Social resourcefulness scale (SRS) (1998)
Rapp et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 250-252, 273-275, 323-324

Sociotropy autonomy scale (SAS) (1983)
Beck et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 252-255, 273-275, 325-327

Unpleasant events schedule (UES) (1983)
Lewinsohn et al.
IN Nezu (2000) pp. 260-262, 273-275, 328-333


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