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TMDB - Tests and Measures Database: KaneKane1981

Assessing the elderly: A practical guide to measurement (1981)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Kane, R., A., & Kane, R. L. (1981). Assessing the elderly: A practical guide to measurement. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. [33 full-text instruments]



Katz index of ADL (1963
Katz et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 45-47

Barthel Index
Mahoney & Barthel
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 45,48-49

VIRO orientation scale (1972)
Kastenbaum & Sherwood
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 91-92

Short portable mental status questionnaire (SPMSQ) (1970)
Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 91, 94

Mental status questionnaire (MSQ) (1960)
Kahn et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 92-94

Philadelphia Geriatric Center mental status questionnaire (PGC) (1977)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 93-94

Mini mental state examination (MMS) (1975)
Folstein, Folstein & McHugh
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 101-102

Geriatric interpersonal evaluation scale (GIES) (1971)
Plutchik et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 102-105

Cognitive functioning scale (1972)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 105-106

Zung self rating depression scale (SDS) (1965/1974)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 111-116

Modified Beck depression inventory (1961)
Beck et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 111-117

Bradburn affect balance scale (1974)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 115-118

Hopkins symptom checklist (HSCL) depression items (1974)
Derogatis et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 115-118

Langner twenty-two question screening score (1962)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 119, 123-126

OARS mental health screening questions
Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 119, 123-126

Emotional problems questionnaire (1977)
Ernst et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 119-126

Savage Britton index (1967)
Savage & Britton
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 119-126

Sandoz clinical assessment geriatric (SCAG) (1974)
Shader, Harmatz & Salzman
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 119-128

Role activities in later maturity ratings (1953)
Havighurst & Albrecht
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 152, 159

Mutual support index (1965)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 152-156,158

Short HRCA social contact inventory (1977)
Sherwood et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 153, 158-162

Family APGAR (1978)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 153, 158,163

Exchanges of support and assistance index (1975)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 152, 159,162

Social dysfunctioning rating scale (SDRS) (1969)
Linn et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 153, 163-165

OARS social resource scale (1978)
Duke University Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 153, 165-168

Life satisfaction index (LSI A) (1961)
Havighurst et al.
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 174-189

Oberleder attitude scale (1961)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 175, 177-181

Philadelphia Geriatric Center morale scale (PGC) (1972)
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 175, 178

Contentment index (1970)
Bloom & Blenkner
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 175, 179,181-182

Importance locus and range of activities checklist (1975)
Hulicka, Morganti & Catalado
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 192-193, 196-197

Satisfaction with nursing home scale (1977)
McCaffree & Harkins
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 193, 196-200

Locus of desired control scale (1977)
Reid, Haas & Hawkins
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 193, 198-199

Perceived environmental constraint index (1976)
Wolk & Telleen
IN: Kane & Kane, 1981, pp. 193, 196-197

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