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Taking the Measure of Work: A Guide to Validated Scales for Organizational Research and Diagnosis (2002/2013)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Fields, D. L. (2002/2013). Taking the measure of work: A guide to validated scales for organizational and diagnosis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. [137 full-text measures]






Overall Job Satisfaction (1983)
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 5

Job Satisfaction Relative to Expectations (1991)
Bacharach, Bamberger & Conley
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 6

Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnai (MSQ) (1967)
Weiss et al.
(IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 7-8

Job in General Scale (1989)
Ironson et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 9

Overall Job Satisfaction (1974)
Taylor & Bowers
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 10

Overall Job Satisfaction (1994)
Judge et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 11

Global Job Satisfaction (1974)
Quinn & Shepard
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 12-13

Job Satisfaction Survey (1985)
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 14-15

Job Satisfaction Index  (1980)
Tsui & Schriesheim
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 16

Job Perception Scale (1985)
Hatfield, Robinson & Huseman
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 17

Overall Job Satisfaction (18 item & 6 item measures) (1951, 1992)
Brayfield et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 18-19

Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) revised (1974, 1989)
Hackman, Oldham & Roznowski
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 20-22

Job Descriptive Index (JDI) (1969)
Smith, Kendall & Hulin
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 23-25

Satisfaction With Job Facets (1976)
Andrews & Withey
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 26

Global Job Satisfaction (1979)
Warr, Cook & Wall
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 27-28

Career Satisfaction (1990)
Greenhaus, Parasuraman & Wormley
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 29

Employee Satisfaction With Influence and Ownership (1986)
Rosen, Klein & Young
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 30-31

Satisfaction with Work Schedule flexibility (1994)
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 32

Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) (1985)
Heneman & Schwab
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 33-34

Index of Organizational Reactions (IOR) (1979)
Dunham & Smith
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 35-40

Satisfaction With My Supervisor (SWMSS)  (1987)
Scarpello & Vandenberg
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 41-45



Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) (1979)
Mowday, Steers & Porter
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 46-48

Shortened Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) (1979/1982)
Mowday, Steers & Porter
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 49-50

Affective Commitment Scale (ACS)
Normative Commitment Scale (NCS)
Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS)
Allen & Meyer
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 51-53

Psychological Attachment Instrument  (1986)
O'Reilly & Chatman
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 54-55

Organizational Commitment (1980)
Cook & Wall
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 56-57

Organizational Commitment (1991)
General Social Survey
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 58

Organizational Commitment Scale (OCS) (1996)
Balfour & Wechsler
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 59-60

Organizational Commitment  (1993)
Jaros et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 61-62

Career Commitment (1989)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 63

Commitment to a Parent Company Versus Local Operation (1992)
Gregersen & Black
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 64

Supervisor-Related Commitment  (1996)
Becker et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 65-69



Job Diagnostic Survey - revised  (JDS) (1974/1987)
Hackman et al. (1974) / revisions from Idaszak & Drasgow (1987)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 70-75

Job Characteristics Inventory (JCI) (1976)
Sims et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 76-77

Multimethod Job Design Questionnaire (MJDQ) (1988)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 78-81

Job Demands and Decision Latitude (1979)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 82-83

Job Characteristics Based on the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) (1980)
Roos & Treiman
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 84-85

Job Complexity Based on Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) (1980)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 86-87

Job Cognitions (1991)
Williams & Anderson
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 88-89.

Job Overload (1980)
Caplan et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 90

Job Routinization and Formalization  (1990)
Bacharach, Bamberger & Conley
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 91-92.

Subjective Monotony (1995)
Melamed et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 93

Work Control (1991)
Dwyer & Ganster
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 94-95

Job Control, Cognitive Demand, and Production Responsibility (1993)
Jackson et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 96-97

Control and Complexity (1996)
Frese et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 98-99

Job Uncertainty, Complexity, Variety, and Interdependence (1991)
Dean  & Snell
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 100-102

Job Interdependence (1991)
Pearce & Gregersen
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 103

Extent of Computer Use (1996)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 104-105.

Supportive and Non-Controlling Supervision (1996)
Oldham & Cummings
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 106-107

Supervisory Support (1990)
Greenhaus, Parasuraman & Wormley
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 108

Developmental Experiences (1997)
Wayne, Shore & Liden
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 109

Performance Appraisal System Knowledge (1992)
Williams & Levy
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 110

Work-Related Expectancies (1990)
Eisenberger, Fasolo & Davis-LaMastro
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 111-112

Empowerment at Work Scale (1995)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 113-114

Social Support (1975)
Caplan et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 115-116

Perceived Organizational Support (POS) (1986)
Eisenberger et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 117-118

Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (POPS) (1991)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 119-122



Work Tension Scale (1972)
House & Rizzo
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 123

Job-Related Tension Index (1964)
Kahn et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 124-125

Burnout Measure (1988)
Pines & Aronson
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 126

Work-Related Depression, Anxiety, and Irritation (1980)
Caplan et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 127

Frustration With Work (1980)
Peters, O'Connor & Rudolf
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 128

Stress Diagnostic Survey (1980)
Matteson & Ivancevich
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 129-131

Job Stress Scale (1983)
Parker & DeCotiis
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 132

Inventory of Stressful Events (1986)
Motowidlo, Manning & Packard
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 133-134

Occupational Stress Scale (OSS) (1979)
House et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 135-136

Perceived Job Stressors (1978)
Kanner, Kafry & Pines
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 137-138

Commute Strain Scale (1998)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 139-140

Work-Specific Control Problems (1991)
Remondet & Hansson
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 141-142

Industrial Relations Event Scale (1993)
Kelloway, Barling & Shah
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 143-146



Role Conflict and Ambiguity (1970)
Rizzo, House & Lirtzman
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 147-148

Role Conflict and Ambiguity (1983)
House, Schuler & Levanoni
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 149-150

Role Hassles Index (1997)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 151-152

Role Overload (1990)
Bacharach, Bamberger & Conley
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 153

Cross-Cultural Role Conflict, Ambiguity, and Overload (1995)
Peterson et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 154-155

Inter-Role Conflict (1997)
Tompson & Werner
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 156

Role Justice (1995)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 157

Job Role Ambiguity (1994)
Breaugh & Colihan
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 158-159

Goal and Process Clarity (1992)
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 160

Job Role Discretion (1992)
Gregersen & Black
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 161

Role Innovation (1987)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 162-164



Distributive and Procedural Justice (1997)
Sweeney & McFarlin
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 165-166

Distributive and Procedural Justice (1992)
Joy & Witt
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 167

Distributive and Procedural Justice (1997)
Parker, Baltes & Christiansen
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 168-169

Distributive, Procedural, and Interactive Justice (1993)
Niehoff & Moorman
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 170-171

Distributive Justice Index (1986)
Price & Mueller
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 172-173

Procedural Justice (1992)
McFarlin & Sweeney
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 174

Procedural and Interactive Justice (1991)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 175-176

Procedural Justice (1989)
Folger & Konovsky
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 177-178

Procedural Fairness, Employee Voice, and Justification (1994)
Daly & Geyer
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 179-180

Perceived Injustice (1994)
Hodson et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 181

Procedural and Interactive Justice (1997)
Farh, Earley & Lin
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 182-183

Procedural Fairness (1999)
Scarpello & Jones
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 184-185

Fairness in Skill-Based Pay (1998)
Lee, Law & Bobko
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 186

Procedural and Distributive Fairness of Gainsharing (1995)
Welbourne et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 187-188

Procedural Fairness Standards in Pay (1999)
Jones, Scarpello & Bergmann
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 189-191

Procedural Justice in Performance Appraisal (1999)
Dulebohn & Ferris
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 192

Procedural Fairness in Restructuring and Layoffs (1998)
Mansour-Cole & Scott
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 193-194

Perceived Fairness in Goal Setting (1999)
Roberson, Moye & Locke
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 195

Fairness Perceptions of an Organizational Pokey (1991)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 196-198



Work Interference With Family and Family Interference With Work (1991)
Gutek, Searle & Klepa
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 199-200

Work-Family Conflict (1983)
Kopelman, Greenhaus & Connolly
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 201-201

Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict (1996)
Netemeyer, Boles & McMurrian
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 202-203

Job-Family Role Strain Scale (1981)
Bohen & Viveros-Long
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 204-205

Career-Family Attitudes (1998)
Sanders et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 206-209

Job and Non-Work Conflict (1990)
Small & Riley
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 210-211

Work-Home Conflict (1991)
Bacharach, Bamberger & Conley
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 212

Work to Family Conflict Scale (1996)
Stephens & Sommer
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 213-214

Control Over Areas of Work and Family (1995)
Thomas & Ganster
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 215-219



Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) (1991)
O'Reilly et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 220-223

Goal Congruence (1991)
Vancouver &  Schmitt
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 224-224

Person-Organization Fit Scale (1994)
Bretz & Judge
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp.  225-226.

Perceived Person-Organization Fit (1996)
Cable & Judge
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 227-227.

Perceived Person-Organization Fit (1996)
Lovelace &  Rosen
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 228-228.

Person-Environment Fit (1980)
Caplan et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 229-232.

Perceived Ability-Job Fit (1981)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 233-237.



Organizational Citizenship Behavior  (1995)
Moorman & Blakely
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 238-239

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
Individuals (OCI)
organization (OCBO)
in-role behaviors (IRB) (1991)

Williams & Anderson
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 240-241

Organizational Citizenship Behavior  (1990)
Podsakoff et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 242-244

Organizational Citizenship Behavior  (1983)
Smith, Organ & Near
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 245-246

Chinese Organizational Citizenship Scale  (1997)
Farh, Earley & Lin
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 247-248

Measuring Ingratiatory Behaviors in Organizational Settings (MIBOS)  (1991)
Kumar & Beyerlein
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 249-251

Taking Charge  (1999)
Morrison & Phelps
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 252

Helping and Voice Behaviors  (1998)
Van Dyne & LePine
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 253-254

On-the-Job Behaviors  (1992)
Lehman & Simpson
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 255-256

Antisocial Behaviors  (1998)
Robinson & O'Leary-Kelly
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 257

Victimization Behavior in the Workplace  (1999)
Aquino et al.
IN Fields (2002/2013), p. 258

Deviant Behaviors  (1999)
Aquino, Lewis & Bradfield
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 259-260

Influence Tactics  (1990)
Schriesheim & Hinkin
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 261-265



Value Attainment (1973)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 266-267

Work Values Inventory (1972)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 268-269

Protestant Work Ethic (1971)
Mirels & Garrett
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 270-271

Chinese Values Survey (1987)
Chinese Culture Connection
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 272-274

Work Value Survey (1994)
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 275-277

Measure of Ethical Viewpoints (MEV) (1996)
Brady & Wheeler
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 278-281

Individual Beliefs About Organizational Ethics (1991)
Froelich & Kottke
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 282-283

Perceived Importance of Workplace Values (1994)
Van Dyne, Graham & Dienesch
IN Fields (2002/2013), pp. 284-285

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