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TMDB - Tests and Measures Database: LamMichalakSwinson2005

Assessment scales in depression, mania, and anxiety (2005)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Lam, R. W., Michalak, E. E., & Swinson, R. P. (2007). Assessment scales in depression, mania, and anxiety. London: Taylor & Francis. [64 full-text instruments]




Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (1977)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 14-15

Diagnostic Inventory for Depression (DID) (2004)
Zimmerman, Sheeran & Young
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 23-26

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) (1960)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 28-29

Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 7-item version (HAM-D7) (2002) aka "Toronto HAM-D7"
McIntyre et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 30-31

Harvard National Depression Screening Scale (HANDS) (2000)
Baer et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 32

Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (self-report version) (QIDS-SR) (1996)
Rush et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 33-35

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) (1979)
Montgomery & Asberg
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 39-41

Medical Outcomes Study Depression Questionnaire (1988)
Burnam et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 37-38

Personal Inventory for Depression and SAD (PIDS) (1998)
Terman, Terman & Williams
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 46-49

Raskin Depression Rating Scale (1969)
Raskin et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 50

Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (Zung SDS) (1965) (ECDEU version)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 59-60



Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale (MES) (1980)
Bech & Rafaelsen
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 9

Cornell Dysthymia Rating Scale (CDRS) (1993)
Mason et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 20-22

Personal Inventory for Depression and SAD (PIDS) (1998)
Terman, Terman & Williams
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 46-49

Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) (1984)
Rosenthal, Bradt & Wehr
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 51-53

Somatic Symptom Inventory (SSI) (1986)
Barsky, Wyshak & Klerman
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 164-165

Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) (1993)
Addington, Addington & Maticka-Tyndale
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 169-170

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (2003)
Cox & Holden
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 177-178



Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) (1978)
Bech et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 8

Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for Mania (CARS-M) (1994)
Altman et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 16-19

Manic State Rating Scale (MSRS) (1971)
Beigel, Murphy & Bunney
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 36

Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ) 2000
Hirschfeld et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 42-43

Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) (1978)
Young et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 57-58



Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) (1995)
Lovibond & Lovibond
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 74-75

Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) (1990)
Meyer et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 102-103

Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) (1971)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 114



Maudsley Obsessional Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) (1977)
Hodgson & Rachman
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 86-87

Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (OCI) (1998)
Foa et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 90-91

Padua Inventory - Washington State University Revision (PI-WSUR) (1996)
Burns et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 92-94

Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) (1989)
Goodman et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 110-113



Anxiety Sensitivity Index - Revised 36 (ASI-R-36) (1998)
Taylor & Cox
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 66-67

Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS) (1991)
Davidson et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 69-70

Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE)
Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SADS)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 76-78

Fear Questionnaire (FQ) (1979)
Marks & Mathews
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 79-80

Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (MI) (1985)
Chambless et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 88-89

Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) (1999)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 95-98

Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS) (1997)
Shear et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 99-101

Social Phobia Scale (SPS)
Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS)
Mattick & Clarke
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 107-108



Impact of Event Scale - Revised (IES-R) (1996)
Weiss & Marmar
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 82-83



Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD) (1988)
Alexopoulos et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 174-176

Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (1983)
Yesavage et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 179-180

Worry Scale for Older Adults (WS) (1988)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 186-187



Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) short form (1991)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 120-122

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (1962)
Overall & Gorham
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 123-124

Clinical Global Impression (CGI) (1976)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 126-127

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (1991)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 131

Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (1989)
Krupp et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 136

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (1989)
Buysse et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 141-143

Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) (1987)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 154-155

Somatic Symptom Inventory (SSI) (1986)
Wyshak & Klerman
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 164-165



Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) (1976)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 116-117

Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX) female version (2000)
Mcgahuey et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 118-119

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (1991)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 131

Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) (1980)
Choinard et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 132-135

Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (1989)
Krupp et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), p. 136

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (1989)
Buysse et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 141-143

Systematic Assessment for Treatment Emergent Events (SAFTEE) (1986)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 156-162

Somatic Symptom Inventory (SSI) (1986)
Wyshak & Klerman
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 164-165



Clinical Global Impression (CGI) (1976)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 126-127

Duke Health Profile (DUKE) (1990)
Parkerson, Broadhead & Tse
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 129-130

Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) (1976)
Endicott et al.
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 138-139

Sheehan Disability Scale (1983)
IN: Lam, Michalak & Swinson (2007), pp. 152-153









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