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Obesity assessment: tools, methods, interpretations (a reference case: the RENO diet-heart study) (1997)

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Full-text instruments available in:

St. Jeor, S. (Ed.). (1997). Obesity assessment: tools, methods, interpretations (a reference case: the RENO diet-heart study). New York, NY: Chapman & Hall. [44 full-text instruments]



University of Nevada Human Subjects Consent Form (1985)
University of Nevada Nutrition Education and Research Program
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 19-29, 641-643

RENO Diet-Heart Study Recruitment and Screening Procedures, Sample Recruitment Letter (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 19-29, 644-648

RENO Diet-Heart Study Screening Application Form (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 19-29, 649-650

RENO Diet-Heart Study Initial Six Month Recruitment Summary Report (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 19-29, 651-653

Baseline Questionnaire: Personal and Health History [BQH] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 30-41, 654-677

Baseline Questionnaire: Weight History [BQW] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 30-41, 654, 678-698

Baseline Questionnaire: Nutrition History [BQN] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 30-41, 256-267, 654, 699-710, 801, 802, 805

Baseline Questionnaire: Activity History [BQA] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 30-41, 654, 711-716

Body Mass Index Conversion Table (1993)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 47-67, 717-718

Diagram of Vertical Measuring Device, Diagram of Patient Position for Measurement, Weight and Height Measurement Procedures (1985)
Simko, Cowell, & Gillbride; RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 47-67, 719-724

B6 Skinfolds, Circumferences and Bioimpedance Equipment Sources (1985)
Van Loan
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 68-82, 725-727

Procedures for skinfold, circumference, and bioelectncal impedance (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 68-82, 725, 728-732

Blood Pressure and Pulse Procedures: Random Zero Sphygmomanometer, RENO Diet-Heart Study Procedures for Blood Pressure Measurement (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 114-121, 736-738

Adiposity, Lipid Profile and Apolipoproteins: Description of Laboratory Methods for Serum Lipid Analyses (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 122-135, 739-741

Adiposity, Lipid Profile and Apolipoproteins: Serum Phospholipids, Discussion of Serum Phospholipid Arachidonate in Human Obesity (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 122-135, 739, 742-743

Future of Genetic Markers:  Discussion of Laboratory Methods for Genetic Analysis (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 148-156, 743

Activity Frequency Form: Selected Questions from Baseline Questionnaire: Activity [BQA] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 161-210, 744-747

Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire [ACT] (1984)
Blair N; Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 161-210, 744-745, 748-750

Resting Energy Expenditure, Respiratory Quotients and Thermic Effect of Food: [TEF] Procedures for Resting Energy Expenditure Measurement [REE], Performance Specification Summary, Sample Resting Energy Expenditure Parameters, Calculated Miffiin—St. Jeor Equation Formulas [MSJE] (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study; University of Nevada Nutrition Education and Research Program
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 161-210, 755, 760-764

24-Hour Dietary Recall Form, Procedures (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 214-224, 765-773

Seven-Day Food and Activity Record (1985)
RENO Diet-Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 225-244, 774-792, 813

Food Frequency: Food Questionnaire; [Health Habits and History Questionnaire] [HHHQ] [Block Questionnaire] (1986)
Block, Hartman, Dresser, Carrol, Gannon, & Gardner / U.S. National Cancer Institute
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 245-255,792-800

Dietetic Product Use Questionnaire [DPUQ} (1985)
Krenkel & Scott
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 268-280, 802-804

Dietary Quality: The Food Habits Questionnaire [FHQ] (1993)
RENO Diet Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 281-291, 806-812

Eating Self-Efficacy Scale [ESES] (1986)
Glynn & Ruderman
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 317-325, 814-816

Nutrition Attitude Survey [NAS] (1986)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 326-336, 817-819

Binge Eating Scale [BES] Questionnaire A (1982)
Gormally, Black, Daston, & Rardin
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 337-342, 820-823

Three Factor Eating Questionnaire Eating Inventory (1983)
Strunkard & Messick
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 343-351, 824-829

Tendency to Diet Scale, Diet Methods Checklist (1985)
RENO Diet Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 352-362, 830-834

Locus of Control Questionnaire [LOC] (1972)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 383-393, 836-839

Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale [FACES III] (1985)
Olson, Portner, & Lavee
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 394-399, 840-842

Recent Life Changes Questionnaire [RLCQ] (1989, 1995)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 400-408, 843-846

Social Support Questionnaire: Risk Reduction [SSQ RR] (1989)
O’Reilly & Thomas
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 409-419, 847-848

Self-Pluralism Scale [SPS] (1997, 2000)
McReyolds, Altrocchi, & House
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 420-424, 849-851

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire [RSE] (1965)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 425-435, 852-853

Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale [CES-D] (1977)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 457-464, 855-856

General Well Being Questionnaire [GWB] (1977)
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 465-470, 856-863

Perceived Stress Scale [PSS] (1983)
Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 471-478, 864-866

Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory [BDHI] (1957)
Buss & Durkee
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 479-489, 867-870

Health and Family History: Selected Questions from Baseline Questionnaire: Health and Weight [BQH] [BQW] (1985)
RENO Diet Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 495-507, 871-879

Other Risk Factors Smoking and Alcohol: Selected Questions from Baseline Questionnaire: Health and Nutrition [BQH] [BQN] (1985)
RENO Diet Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 508-521, 880-883

RENO Diet Heart Study Update and Check-in Questionnaire (1985)
RENO Diet Heart Study
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 551-560, 887-900

Weight-Cycling Questionnaire [WCQ] (1992)
Brownell, Kiernan, Rodin, Wilmore & Crandell
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 561-901-907

Semi-Structured Interview for Weight Change [SIWC] (1994)
Goodrick, Foreyt, & St. Jeor
IN: St. Jeor (1997), pp. 570-578, 908-913

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