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TMDB - Tests and Measures Database: Jones1996

Handbook of tests and measurements for black populations (1996)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Jones, R. L. (Ed.). (1996). Handbook of tests and measurements for black populations (2 volumes). Hampton, VA: Cobb & Henry. [36 full-text instruments in Volume 1, 46 full-text instruments in Volume 2]


Developmental milestones expectations scale (1991)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 31-38

Assessing attachment relationships in African American infants (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 51-70

Separation individuation inventory (1978)
Taylor & Dobbins
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 71-86

Items for measuring parental lashing out (1976)
Taylor & Sourkes
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 87-100

Items for measuring parental neglect (1976)
Taylor & Sourkes
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 87-100

WHO checklist (1976)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 155-167

O checklist
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 155-167

Hare general self esteem scale (1977)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 199-206

Hare area specific school peer and home self esteem scale (1977)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 199-206

Optimal extended self esteem scale (OESES) (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 205-212

Optimal extended self esteem scale (OESES) for preschool and primary pupils age levels 4 to 6 (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 205-212

Optimal extended self esteem scale (OESES) for children grades 1-6 (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 205-212

Optimal extended self esteem scale (OESES) for adolescents grades 7-12 (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 205-212

Optimal extended self esteem scale (OESES) for adults ages 18 and older (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 205-212

Children's cultural mistrust inventory (CCMI) (1981)
Terrell & Terrell
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 245-247

Banks' attitudes toward school scale (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 249-259

Banks' attitudes toward Whites scale (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 249-259

Banks' attitudes toward Blacks scale (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 249-259

Banks' attitudes toward Neighborhood scale (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 249-259

Banks' physical self concept scale (1984)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 249-259

Castenell achievement motivation scale (CAMS) (1980)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 263-267

Adolescent social record, Your social map, Social network record (SNR) (1985)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 269-283

How I learn scale (1987)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 285-296

Black male experiences measure (BMEM) (1985)
Cunningham & Spencer
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 301-307

Scale of racial socialization (SORS A) adolescent version (1993)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 309-326

National study of Black college students (NSBCS) (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 327-349

Tests of African American English for teachers of bidialectical students form A (TAAETBS) (1975)
Ford et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 367-381

Tests of African American English for teachers of bidialectical students form B (TAAETBS) (1975)
Ford et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 367-381

African American English attitude measures for teachers (AAEAMT) transcriptions (1976)
Hoover et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 383-393

Survey of childbearing attitudes and practices items 1-12 Howard University newborn Study (HUNS) (1985)
Rosser & Randolph
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 397-401

Ecological scale of parental competence (ESPC) (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 403-419

Parental brief interview (PBI) (1983)
Holliday & Curbeam
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 421-432

Parental questionnaire on children's behavioral competence (PQCBC) (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 433-449

Black family process q sort (BFPQ) (1993)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 475-493

Taylor's measure of communication efficiency (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 495-515

Taylor's checklist for problems conflicts and plans (1996)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 1, pp. 495-515

Belief system analysis scale (BSAS) (1986)
Myers et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 19-36

Belief and behavior awareness scale (BABAS) (1993)
Myers et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 19-36

World view opinionnaire (1982)
Kelsey & Ransom
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 37-46

Individual collective world view scale (1985)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 47-56

Life attitude inventory (LAI) (1993)
Jackson-Lawman et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 87-103

African American acculturation scale (AAAS) (1994)
Landrine & Klonoff
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 119-138

African American acculturation scale (AAAS-33) beliefs and attitudes survey (1994)
Landrine & Klonoff
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 119-138

Expressed values scale (EV Scale) (1983)
Slaughter & Defoe
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 145-164

Racial identity attitude scale (RIAS) (1985)
Helms & Parham
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 167-174

RAIS social attitudes inventory (RIAS short form) (1985)
Helms & Parham
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 167-174

Optimal theory applied to identity development instrument (OTAID) (1994)
Haggins et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 175-190

Milliones’ developmental inventory of Black consciousness (DIBC) revision 2 (1985)
Taylor, Brown, & Denton
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 191-206

African self consciousness scale (ASCS) (1984)
Kambon & Baldwin
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 207-215

Nadanolitization scale (NAD) (1978)
Taylor & Grundy
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 217-226

Racialistic contents scale (1972)
Taylor & Grundy
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 217-226

Cornell reference group inventory (CRGI) (1983)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 251-268

Item stems for Taylor’s affiliation inventory (1976)
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 283-293

Item stems for Taylor’s control inventory (1976)
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 283-293

Taylor’s measure of anger.
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 295-305

Taylor’s self esteem inventory.
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 295-305

Taylor’s measure of dysphoria.
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 295-305

Taylor’s measure of anxiety.
Taylor & Tomasic
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 295-305

Black nationalistic ideology scale (BIS) revised (1976)
Terrell & Taylor
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 307-318

Cultural mistrust inventory (CMI) revised (1988)
Terrell, Terrell & Nickerson
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 321-331

Racial discrimination index (RDI) (1980)
Terrell & Miller
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 321-331

Vital sign quality of life questionnaire (VSQLQ) (1990)
Kong, Clive, & Kong
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 335-349

Acculturative stress scale (ACS) (1985)
Williams Flournoy & Anderson
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 351-358

Perceived racism scale (PRS) (1996)
McNeilly et al.
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 359-374

IRS Institutional racism scale (1981)
Barbarin & Gilbert
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 375-398

Black nationalism scale (1979)
Harrell, Malone-Colon & Harris
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 399-409

Authoritarian coping style scale (ACSS) (1979)
Harrell, Malone-Colon & Harris
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 399-409

Social support questionnaire for racial situation (SSQRS) (1994)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 411-418

John Henryism scale for active coping (JHAC12) (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 419-425

Black mental health clinical attitudes knowledge and skills inventory (Black mental health CAKSI) (1978)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 445-469

Help seeking questionnaire (1983)
Gibbs, Snowden & Huang LN
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 471-481

Work environment inventory (WEI) (1983)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 503-518

Black organization scale (BOS) (1982)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 519-531

National survey of Black Americans self esteem index (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 543-552

National survey of Black Americans racial stereotypes index (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 543-552

National survey of Black Americans satisfaction index (1981)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 543-552

National survey of Black Americans family provider role expectancies (1995)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 553-578

National survey of Black Americans job search expectancies (1995)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 553-578

National survey of Black Americans personal efficacy index (1995)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 553-578

National survey of Black Americans psychological well being index (1995)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 587-595

Ethnicity and intellectual life survey (EILS) (1995)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 605-612

Violent victimization survey (1994)
IN: Jones (1996) , VOL 2, pp. 613-619

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