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TMDB - Tests and Measures Database: LopesSnyder2003

Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures (2003)

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Full-text instruments available in:

Lopez, S. J., & Snyder, C. R. (2003). Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [19 full-text instruments]





Life Orientation Test Revised [LOT R] (1994)
Scheier, Carver & Bridges
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 75-89

Snyder Hope Scales [Adult Dispositional Hope Scale] [Goals Scale] (1991)
Snyder et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 91-107

Staats Hope Scale (1985)
Staats & Stassen
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 91-107

Career Counseling Self-Efficacy scale [CCSES] (1997)
O’Brien et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 109-126

Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form [Career Questionnaire] [CDSES] (1996)
Betz, Klein & Taylor
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 109-126

Occupational Questionnaire (1991)
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 109-126

Vocational Locus of Control scale [VLCS] (1996)
Fournier, Jeanrie & Drapeau
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 139-154

Intensity and Time Affect Survey [ITAS] (1995)
Diener, Smith & Fujita
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 201-218

Satisfaction With Life scale
Diener et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 201-218

Current Thoughts questionnaire (1991)
Heatherton & Polivy
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 219-233

Revised Janis-Field Feelings of Inadequacy Scale (1959/1984)
Janis et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 219-233

Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale [RSE] (1965)
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 219-233

Love Attitudes Scales Short Form [LAS] (1973)
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 235-249

Child-Report Sympathy Scale (1998)
Eisenberg et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 269-284

Parents’ or Teachers’ Reports on Children’s Sympathy / Empathy (1998)
Eisenberg et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 269-284

Heartland Forgiveness Scale [HFS] (2002)
Yamhure-Thompson et al.
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 301-312

Sociomoral Reflections Measure Short Form [SRM SF] (1992)
Gibbs, Basomger & Fuller
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 361-373

Proactive coping scale [Proactive Coping Inventory] [PCI] (1999)
Greenglass, Schwarzer & Taubert
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 393-409

WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment questions (1998)
IN: Lopez & Snyder (2003), pp. 427-441

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