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Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI]) (1998)
Sheehan et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 48-51; Test on CD (Chapter 5)
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (1999)
Spitzer, Kroenke & Williams
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 58-59; Test on CD (Chapter 5)
Mental Health Inventory (MHI-38) (1983)
Veit & Ware
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 65-67; Test on CD Chapter 6)
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) (1972)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 67-70; Test on CD (Chapter 6)
Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF)
Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) (1976/1992)
Endicott et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 86-90; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
Clinical Global Impressions Scale (CGI) (1976)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 90-92; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) (1996)
Wing, Beevor, & Curtis / Royal College of Psychiatrists Research Unit
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 92-95; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
Life Skills Profile (LSP) (1989)
Rosen, Hadzi-Pavlovic & Parker
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 95-97; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
Sheehan Disability Scale 1983)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 100-102; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS II)
World Health Organization.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 103-105; Test on CD (Chapter 7)
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Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project Functional Assessment Charts (COOP Charts) (1987)
Nelson et al. / Trustees of Dartmouth College.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 111-113; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Duke Health Profile (DUKE) (1990)
Parkerson, Broadhead & Tse
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 113-115; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living (1992)
Medical Outcomes Trust / Ware & Sherbourne
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 118-119; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (Lawton IADL) (1963)
Katz et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 119-121; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status Rating (ECOG-PSR) (1969)
Lawton & Brody
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 121-122; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3) (2002)
Feeny et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 122-123; Test on CD (Chapter 8)
Quality of Life Interview (1988)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 129-137; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
Quality of Life Scale (QLS) (1984)
Heinrichs, Hanlon & Carpenter
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 130-131; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
Wisconsin Quality of Life Index Questionnaire, Client and Provider (W-QLI) (1993)
Becker, Diamond & Sainfort / Wisconsin Quality of Life Associates
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 132-133; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
Quality of Life Index (QLI) (1985)
Ferrans & Powers
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 134-135; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
World Health Organization Quality of Life Scales: extended version and brief version (WHOQOL-100) (1991)
World Health Organization Quality of Life Group
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 137-138; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
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Spitzer Quality of Life Index (Spitzer QL-Index) (1981)
Spitzer et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 139-140; Test on CD (Chapter 9)
Systematic Assessment for Treatment Emergent Events–General Inquiry (SAFTEE-GI) (1986)
Levine & Schooler
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 148-150; Test on CD (Chapter 10)
MedWatch (1993)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 153-154; Test on CD (Chapter 10)
Rating Scale for Extrapyramidal Side Effects (Simpson-Angus EPS Scale) (1970)
Simpson & Angus
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 154-155; Test on CD (Chapter 10)
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS) (1989)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 156-157; Test on CD (Chapter 10) , Adverse Effects Measures.
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Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) (1976)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) / Guy
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 157-159; Test on CD (Chapter 10)
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Frequency, Intensity, and Burden of Side Effects Rating (FIBSER) (2006)
Wisniewski et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 160-161; Test on CD (Chapter 10)
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ-III) (1976/1993)
Ware et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 173-176; Test on CD (Chapter 11)
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Charleston Psychiatric Outpatient Satisfaction Scale, Veterans Affairs version and outpatient version (CPOSS) (2002)
Frueh et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 178-180; Test on CD (Chapter 11)
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Perceptions of Care, inpatient/residential version and outpatient version (PoC) (2001)
Eisen, Dickey & Sederer
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 181-183; Test on CD (Chapter 11)
Multidimensional Adolescent Satisfaction Scale, 21-item version and 23-item version (MASS-21) (2000)
Garland, Saltzman & Aarons
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 184-185; Test on CD (Chapter 11)
Parent Satisfaction Scale (PSS) (2005)
Gerkensmeyer & Austin
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 186-187; Test on CD (Chapter 11)
Life Experiences Survey (LES) (1978)
Sarason, Johnson & Siegel
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 203-204; Test on CD (Chapter 12)
Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ) (1997)
Miller & Rahe
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 207-208; Test on CD (Chapter 12)
Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale (GARF) (2000)
Committee on the Family of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) p. 216; Test on CD (Chapter 13)
Family Assessment Device (FAD) (1983)
Epstein, Baldwin & Bishop
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 220-223; Test on CD (Chapter 13)
Columbia Suicide History Form (CSHF) (2003)
Oquendo, Halberstam & Mann
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 241-242; Test on CD (Chapter 14)
Suicide Intent Scale (SIS) (1974)
Beck, Schuyler & Herman
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 244-245; Test on CD (Chapter 14)
Harkavy Asnis Suicide Survey; I & II Self-Report Questionnaire (HASS-Demo) (1989)
Harkavy-Friedman & Asnis
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 245-246; Test on CD (Chapter 14)
Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) (1997)
Kaufman et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 273-278; Test on CD (Chapter 15)
Anchored Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale for Children, 9-item version and 21-item version (BPRS) (2001)
Hughes et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 292-295; Test on CD (Chapter 15)
New York Rating Scales (NYRS):
New York Parent Rating Scale—Preschool-Aged and School-Aged (NYPRS-P)
New York Teacher Rating Scale— Preschool-Aged and School-Aged ( NYTRS-S) (1995)
Miller et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 320-323; Test on CD (Chapter 16)
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, Child Version and Parent Version (SCARED) (1997/1999)
Birmaher et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 329-332; Test on CD (Chapter 16)
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) (1989)
Leckman et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 341-342; Test on CD (Chapter 16)
Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS) (1983)
Shaffer et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 349-350; Test on CD (Chapter 17)
Columbia Impairment Scale, Parent Version (CIS) (1993)
Bird et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 352-353; Test on CD (Chapter 17)
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) (1998)
Child-rated HoNOSCA
Parent-rated HoNOSCA
Clinician-rated HoNOSCA
Gowers et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 354-355; Test on CD (Chapter 17) , Child and Adolescent Measures of Functional Status
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Youth Outcome Questionnaire (1995)
Parent-report version (Y-OQ)
Self-Report version (Y-OQ-SR)
Burlingame, Wells & Lambert
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 355-356; Test on CD (Chapter 17)
Self-Description Questionnaire, I and II (SDQ-I, SDQ-II) (1983/1985/1990)
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 370-371; Test on CD (Chapter 17)
Delirium Rating Scale, and Revised-98 (DRS; DRS-R-98) (1988/2001)
Trzepacz et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 380-382; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease Rating Scale, and Frequency Weighted Severity Scale (BEHAVE-AD; BEHAVE-AD-FW) (1987)
Reisberg et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 382-384; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) (1994)
NPI - Nursing Home Version (NPI-NH)
NPI Questionnaire (NPI-Q)
Cummings et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 385-387; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD) (1988)
Abrams et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 388-389; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Apathy Evaluation Scale, Clinician Version (AES-C) (1991)
Marin, Biedrzycki & Firinciogullari
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 389-391; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Burden Interview and short version (includes screening version) (BI) (1986)
Zarit, Todd & Zarit
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 391-392; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Screen for Caregiver Burden (SCB) (1991)
Vitaliano et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 393-394; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Psychogeriatric Dependency Rating Scales (PGDRS) (1980)
Wilkinson & Graham-White
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 394-395; Test on CD (Chapter 18)
Cognistat (1987)
Northern California Neurobehavioral Group Inc. / Kiernan et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 410-413; Test on CD (Chapter 19)
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS]) (1983)
Mohs, Rosen & Davis
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 419-421; Test on CD (Chapter 19)
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT) (1979)
Levin, O'Donnell & Grossman
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 422-424; Test on CD (Chapter 19)
Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) (1982)
Hughes et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 427-430; Test on CD (Chapter 19)
Global GDS Staging System:
Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS)
Functional Assessment Staging (FAST)
Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) (1988/1982/1983)
Sclan et al.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 431-435; Test on CD (Chapter 19)
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, Interview Version and Self-Report Version (AUDIT) (2002)
Babor ET AL.
IN Rush, First & Blacker (2008) pp. 442-444; Test on CD (Chapter 20)
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Drug Abuse Screening Test, 20-item version and 28-item version. [DAST]. (1982).
Skinner, H.A.
Page(s) 446-448; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence. [FTND]. (1991).
Heatherton, T.F.; Kozlowski, L.T.; Frecker, R.C.; Fagerstrom, K.
Page(s) 448-449; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. [MAST]. (1971).
Selzer, M.L.
Page(s) 450-451; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Russell, M.; Czarnecki, D.M.; Cowan, R.; McPherson, E.; Mudar, P.J.
Page(s) 453-454; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Addiction Severity Index. [ASI]. (1992; 1980).
McLellan, A.T.; Kushner, H.; Metzger, D.; Peters, R.; Smith, I.; Grissom, G.; Pettinati, H.; Argeriou, M.
Page(s) 454-457; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire, Revised and Short Form. [AEQ Revised]. (1987).
Brown, S.A.; Christiansen, B.A.; Goldman, M.S.
Page(s) 459-460; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol. [CIWA-AD].
Sellers, E.M.; Sullivan, J.T.; Somer, G.; Sykora, K.
Page(s) 460-461; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Drinker Inventory of Consequences, lifetime ; Inventory of Drug Use Consequences, Since last interview and Lifetime Short Inventory of Problems, lifetime. [DrInC-2L; DrInC-2R; InDUC-2R ; InDUC-2L; SIP-2L]. (1995; 2002).
Miller, W.R.; Tonigan, J.S.; Longabaugh, R.
Page(s) 462-463; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale Personal Drinking Questionnaire. [SOCRATES]. (1996).
Miller, W.R.; Tonigan, J.S.
Page(s) 465-466; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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University of Rhode Island Change Assessment. [URICA]. (1992).
Prochaska, J.O.; DiClemente, C.C.; Norcross, J.C.
Page(s) 468-470; Test on CD in: Chapter 20, Substance Use Disorders Measures.
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Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. [BPRS]. (1962).
Overall, J.E.; Gorham, D.R.
Page(s) 477-480; Test on CD in: Chapter 21: Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Positive and Negative Syndrome Scales. [PANSS]. (1987).
Kay, S.R.; Fiszbein, A.; Opler, L.A.
Page(s) 480-483; Test on CD in: Chapter 21: Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms and Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms. [SANS; SAPS]. (1983; 1984).
Andreasen, N.C.
Page(s) 483-487; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia. [CDSS]. (1990).
Addington, D.; Addington, J.; Schissel, B.
Page(s) 489-491; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Clinician Alcohol Use Scale and Clinician Drug Use Scale. [AUS; DUS]. (1990).
Drake, R.E.; Mueser, K.T.; McHugo, G.J.
Page(s) 491-493; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Drug Attitude Inventory. [DAI-10; DAI-30]. (1983).
Hogan, T.P.; Awad, A.G.; Eastwood, R.
Page(s) 493-495; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Insight and Treatment Attitudes Questionnaire. [ITAQ]. (1989).
McEvoy, J.P.; Apperson, L.J.; Appelbaum, P.S.; Ortlip, P.; Brecosky, J.; Hammill, K.; Geller, J.L.; Roth, L.
Page(s) 496-497; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Insight Scale. [IS]. (1994).
Birchwood, M.; Smith, J.; Drury, V.
Page(s) 497-498; Test on CD in: Chapter 21, Psychotic Disorders Measures.
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Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. [CES-D]. (1977).
Radloff, L.S.
Page(s) 506-508; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Depression rating scales for general psychiatric or community populations.
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Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. [Ham-D]. (1960).
Hamilton, M.
Page(s) 508-511; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Depression rating scales for general psychiatric or community populations.
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Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, Clinician-Rated and semistructured interview guide; Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology; Self report, (Clinician Rated) and Clinician Rated semistructured interview guide. [IDS-C; IDS-SR ; QIDS-C; QIDS-SR]. (1996; 2003).
Rush, A.J.; Gullion, C.M.; Basco, M.R.; Jarrett, R.B.; Trivedi, M.H.; Ibrahim, H.M.; Carmody, T.J.; Arnow, B.; Klein, D.N.; Markowitz, J.C.; et al.
Page(s) 511-513; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Depression rating scales for general psychiatric or community populations.
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Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. [Zung SDS]. (1965).
Zung, W.W.K.
Page(s) 516-517; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures.
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Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for Mania. [CARS-M]. (1994).
Altman, E.G.; Hedeker, D.R.; Janicak, P.G.; Peterson, J.L.; Davis, J.M.
Page(s) 518-519; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Mania rating scales.
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Young Mania Rating Scale. [YMRS]. (1978).
Young, R.C.; Biggs, J.T.; Ziegler, V.E.; Meyer, D.A.
Page(s) 519-521; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Mania rating scales.
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Mood Disorder Questionnaire. [MDQ]. (2000).
Hirschfeld, R.M.A.; Williams, J.B.; Spitzer, R.L.; Calabrese, J.R.; Flynn, L.; Keck Jr., Paul E.; Lewis, L.; McElroy, S.L.; Post, R.M.; Rapport, D.J.; et al.
Page(s) 521-522; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Mania rating scales.
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Geriatric Depression Scale, 15-item version and 30-item version. [GDS]. (1982; (1983).
Yesavage, J.A.; Brink, T.L.; Rose, T.L.; Lum, O.; Huang, V.; Adey, M.B.; Leirer, V.O.
Page(s) 524-526; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Depression rating scales for use in special populations.
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Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. [HADS]. (1983).
Zigmond, A.S.; Snaith, R.P.
Page(s) 527-528; Test on CD in: Chapter 22, Mood Disorders Measures, Depression rating scales for use in special populations.
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Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. [HAM-A; HARS]. (1959).
Hamilton, M.C.
Page(s) 535-536; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, General anxiety and mixed anxity disorder measures.
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Fear Questionnaire. [FQ]. (1979).
Marks, I.M.; Mathews, A.M.
Page(s) 538-539; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, General anxiety and mixed anxity disorder measures.
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Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia. [MI]. (1985; 1997).
Chambless, D.L.; Caputo, G.C.; Jasin, S.E.; Gracely, E.J.; Williams, C.
Page(s) 540-541; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Panic disorder and agoraphobia.
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Panic Disorder Severity Scale, and Self-Report Form. [PDSS]. (1997).
Shear, M.K.; Brown, T.A.; Barlow, D.H.; Money, R.; Sholomskas, D.E.; Woods, S.W.; Gorman, J.M.; Papp, L.A.
Page(s) 542-543; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Panic disorder and agoraphobia.
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Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. [LSAS]. (1987).
Liebowitz, M.R.
Page(s) 546-547; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Social phobia.
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Padua Inventory, revised 39-item. [PI; PI-R]. (1988; 1996).
Sanavio, E.; Burns, G.L.; Keortge, S.G.; Formea, G.M.; Formea, G.M.; Sternberger, L.G.
Page(s) 549-551; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Obsessive compulsive disorder.
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Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale. [CAPS]. (1995).
Blake, D.D.; Weathers, F.W.; Nagy, L.M.; Kaloupek, D.G.; Klauminzer, G.; Charney, D.S.; Keane, T.
Page(s) 551-553; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Impact of Event Scale. [IES]. (1979).
Horowitz, M.J.; Wilner, N.; Alvarez, W.
Page(s) 553-554; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Penn State Worry Questionnaire. [PSWQ]. (1990).
Meyer, T.J.; Miller, M.L.; Metzger, R.L.; Borkovec, T.D.
Page(s) 556-557; Test on CD in: Chapter 23, Anxiety Disorders Measures, Generalized anxiety disorder.
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Screener for Somatoform Disorders and Somatoform Disorders Symptom Checklist. (1995).
Janca, A.; Burke Jr., J.D.; Isaac, M.; Burke, K.C.; Acuda, S.W.; Altamura, A.C.; Chandrashekar, C.R.; Miranda, C.T.; Tacchini, G.; Costa e Silva, Jorges Alberto; et al.
Page(s) 566-567; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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McGill Pain Questionnaire; McGill Pain Questionnaire Short-Form, [MPQ; SF-MPQ]. (1975).
Melzack Ronald.
Page(s) 568-570; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Brief Pain Inventory. [BPI]. (1989; 1994).
Cleeland, C.S.
Page(s) 572-573; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale. (1988).
Wong, D.; Baker, C.M.
Page(s) 574-575; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Whiteley Index of Hypochondriasis; Illness Behaviour Questionnaire. [IBQ]. (1967; (1975).
Pilowsky, I.; Spence, N.D.
Page(s) 575-577; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination. [BDDE]. (1996).
Rosen, J.C.; Reiter, J.
Page(s) 580-582; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder. [BDD-YBOCS]. (1997).
Phillips, K.A.; Hollander, E.; Rasmussen, S.A.; Aronowitz, B.R.
Page(s) 582-583; Test on CD in: Chapter 24, Somatoform and Factitious Disorders and Malingering Measures.
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Child Dissociative Checklist. [CDC]. (1992).
Putnam, F.W.; Helmers, K.; Trickett, P.K.
Page(s) 591-592; Test on CD in: Chapter 25, Dissociative Disorders Measures.
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Dissociative Experiences Scale—II and Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale. [DES-II; A-DES]. (1993;1997).
Armstrong, J.G.; Putnam, F.W.; Carlson, E.B.
Page(s) 592-594; Test on CD in: Chapter 25, Dissociative Disorders Measures.
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Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule. [DDIS]. (1989).
Ross, C.A.; Heber, S.; Norton, G.R.; Anderson, D.; Anderson, G.; Barchet, P.
Page(s) 595-596; Test on CD in: Chapter 25, Dissociative Disorders Measures.
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Center for Marital and Sexual Health Sexual Functioning Questionnaire: Patient Baseline Version and Patient Follow-Up Version. [CMSH-SFQ]. (1996).
Corty, E.W.; Althof, S.E.; Kurit, D.M.
Page(s) 607-608; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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International Index of Erectile Functioning. [IIEF]. (1997).
Rosen, R.C.; Riley, A.; Wagner, G.; Osterloh, I.H.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Mishra, A.
Page(s) 613-614; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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Female Sexual Function Index. [FSFI]. (2000).
Rosen, R.C.; Brown, C.; Heiman, J.; Leiblum, S.R.; Meston, C.M.; Shabsigh, R.; Ferguson, D.; D'Agostino, R.B.
Page(s) 615-616; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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Profile of Female Sexual Function. [PFSF]. (2004).
Derogatis, L.R.; Rust, J.; Golombok, S.; Bouchard, C.; Nachtigall, L.; Rodenberg, C.; Kuznicki, J.; Mchorney, C.A.
Page(s) 617-618; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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Sexual Function Questionnaire. [SFQ]. (2002).
Quirk, F.H.; Heiman, J.R.; Rosen, R.C.; Laan, E.; Smith, M.D.; Boolell, M.
Page(s) 618-619; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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Female Sexual Distress Scale. [FSDS]. (2002).
Derogatis, L.R.; Rosen, R.; Leiblum, S.; Burnett, A.; Heiman, J.
Page(s) 619-620; Test on CD in: Chapter 26, Measures of Sexual Dysfunction and Disorders.
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Body Shape Questionnaire. [BSQ]. (1987).
Cooper, P.J.; Taylor, M.J.; Cooper, Z.; Fairburn, C.G.
Page(s) 629-631; Test on CD in: Chapter 27, Eating Disorders Measures.
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Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns— Revised. [QEWP-R]. (1993).
Spitzer, R.L.; Yanovski, S.Z.; Marcus, M.D.; Spitzer, R.L.; Yanovski, S.; Wadden, T.; Wing, R.; Marcus, M.D.; Stunkard, A.; Devlin, M.; et al.
Page(s) 640-642; Test on CD in: Chapter 27, Eating Disorders Measures.
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Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. [PSQI]. (1989).
Buysse, D.J.; Reynolds III, Charles F.; Monk, T.H.; Berman, S.R.; Kupfer, D.J.
Page(s) 653-655; Test on CD in: Chapter 28, Sleep Disorders Measures.
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Insomnia Severity Index. [ISI]. (1993).
Morin, C.M.; Espie, C.A.
Page(s) 656-657; Test on CD in: Chapter 28, Sleep Disorders Measures.
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Women’s Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale. [WHIIRS]. (2003).
Levine, D.W.; Lewis, M.A.; Bowen, D.J.; Kripke, D.F.; Kaplan, R.M.; Naughton, M.J.; Shumaker, S.A.
Page(s) 658-659; Test on CD in: Chapter 28, Sleep Disorders Measures.
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Epworth Sleepiness Scale. [ESS]. (1991).
Johns, M.W.
Page(s) 660-661; Test on CD in: Chapter 28, Sleep Disorders Measures.
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Into bed, out of bed; Sleep diary (Sleep Disorders Measures). Spielman, A.J.; Lichstein, K.L.
Page(s) 663-665 .
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Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Version 11. [BIS-11]. (1995).
Patton, J.H.; Stanford, M.S.; Barratt, E.S.
Page(s) 671-674; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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South Oaks Gambling Screen. [SOGS]. (1987; 1993).
Lesieur, H.R.; Blume, S.B.
Page(s) 674-676; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Pathological Gambling Modification of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. [PG-YBOCS]. (1998).
DeCaria, C.M.; Hollander, E.; Begaz, T.; Schemeidler, J.; Wong, C.M.; Cartwright, C.; Mosovich, S.
Page(s) 677-679; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Gambling Symptom Assessment Scale. [G-SAS]. (2001).
Kim, S.; Grant, J.E.; Adson, D.E.; Shin, Y.C.
Page(s) 679-680; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale. [MGH]. (1995).
Keuthen, N.J.; O'Sullivan, R.L.; Ricciardi, J.N.; Shera, D.M.; Savage, C.R.; Borgman, A.S.; Jenike, M.A.; Baer, L.
Page(s) 681-682; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Psychiatric Institute Trichotillomania Scale. [PITS]. (1992).
Winchel, R.M.,; Jones, J.S.; Molcho, A.; Parsons, B.; Stanley, M.
Page(s) 683-684; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Kleptomania Symptom Assessment Scale. [K-SAS]. (2002).
Grant, J.E.; Kim, S.W.
Page(s) 685-686; Test on CD in: Chapter 29, Impulse-Control Disorders Measures.
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Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders. [DIPD-IV]. (1996).
Zanarini, M.C.; Frankenburg, F.R.; Sickel, A.E.; Yong, L.
Page(s) 697; Test on CD in: Chapter 30, Personality Disorders, Personality Traits, and Defense Mechanisms Measures, Semistructured Interviews for DSM-IV Personality Disorders.
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Revised Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines. [DIB-R]. (1983).
Gunderson, J.G.; Zanarini, M.C.
Page(s) 704-705; Test on CD in: Chapter 30, Personality Disorders, Personality Traits, and Defense Mechanisms Measures, Semistructured Interviews for Specific Personality Disorders.
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Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire - 4+. [PDQ-4+]. (1988; 1994).
Hyler, S.E.
Page(s) 708-710; Test on CD in: Chapter 30, Personality Disorders, Personality Traits, and Defense Mechanisms Measures, Questionnaires for All Personality Disorders.
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Structural Analysis of Social Behavior. [SASB]. (1984).
Benjamin, L.S.
Page(s) 721-723; Test on CD in: Chapter 30, Personality Disorders, Personality Traits, and Defense Mechanisms Measures, Assessments for Personality Traits.
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Defense Style Questionnaire. [DSQ]. (1983).
Bond, M.; Gardner, S.T.; Christian, J.; Sigal, J.J.
Page(s) 727-729; Test on CD in: Chapter 30, Personality Disorders, Personality Traits, and Defense Mechanisms Measures, Questionniare for Defense Mechanisms.
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Overt Aggression Scale—Modified. [OAS-M]. (1991).
Coccaro, E.F.; Harvey, P.D.; Kupsaw-Lawrence, E.; Herbert, J.L.; Bernstein, D.P.
Page(s) 737-739; Test on CD in: Chapter 31, Aggression Measures.
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