Circulation and Document Delivery
Interlibrary Loan Reference Librarian
Vice Dean for Admin & User Services
Hofstra students, faculty and staff may use ILLiad to request electronic delivery of an article in a print or e-journal owned by Axinn Library. The form is designed to allow you to easily import citations from databases or other sources, or fill in the information yourself if you don't have it in electronic format.
We will scan the article(s) you request and deliver them to you in PDF format through ILLiad. Articles scanned through this service are intended for personal use only and may not be posted to Canvas, electronic reserve, a web site, or otherwise re-distributed. If you want an article for electronic reserve or Canvas use, you will find helpful information here. Library staff will work with you to secure copyright clearance if necessary.
Approximate turnaround time is 1 business day; sometimes it may take 2 days.
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