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Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Interlibrary Loan information, policies, FAQs

Renewal Process

Please note: renewals are subject to the policies of the Lending Library.

Some materials cannot be renewed at all.

Do NOT request a renewal if the slip or label that came with the book says: “No Renewals”

To request a renewal:

  •     Check the label or slip that came with the item for “Renewals Allowed: Yes”
  •     If “Yes”, login to your ILLiad account
  •     Click “Renew an ILL Item” link in the Main Menu on the left
  •     Click the Transaction Number of the item to renew (NOTE: If no “Renew Request’ link appears, you may not renew)
  •     Click ‘Renew Request’

Your loan will temporarily be extended and ILL staff will be alerted to request a renewal from the lending library. Each lending library sets its own renewal policy.

If your Renewal is approved, you will be sent a new Due Date by email.

If your Renewal is refused, you will be sent an e-mail to return the book by the current Due Date. You may place a new request for the non-renewable item.

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