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Hofstra University Library
Common ILLiad Statuses
ILLiad Statuses
Here's a guide to some of the most common statuses you might see when checking up on your requests in ILLiad:
- Awaiting Copyright Clearance - We need to make sure article and book chapter requests comply with copyright regulations before sending them off.
- Awaiting Request Processing - We've received your request and it has been cleared for copyright. It is now ready to be searched and requested from potential lenders.
- Awaiting Other Request Processing: This is used for relatively new books which are ready to be searched and requested from potential lenders or purchased.
- Request Sent - Your request has been sent out to libraries that appear to own the item.
- Awaiting Extensive Searching - None of the five possible lenders we chose could supply the item you requested. Typically, we send it out to five more libraries, and keep the request active until we get a "hit," or your request deadline has passed.
- Awaiting Faculty Review: We have been unable to identify a lending library we can borrow from, and the request has been sent to the Interlibrary Loan Reference Librarian to investigate further.
- Awaiting Conditional Processing - Conditional messages are a means of communication between the lending and the borrowing library. A lender will "conditionalize" a request if they have a question concerning the item. ILL staff will email the requesting patron if any clarification is needed in order to fill the request.
- Checked Out to Customer - Your item has arrived and is checked out to your account; you should have the book.
- Awaiting Patron Response - We have emailed you for more information or clarification regarding one of your requests.
- Awaiting Renewal OK Processing - The lending library has approved your renewal request and has provided a new due date for the item.
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