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Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery

Interlibrary Loan information, policies, FAQs

Can I borrow my textbooks through ILL?

Required textbooks cannot be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Requests for textbooks will be canceled.

There is a good chance that we will not be able to borrow the book you need. Few libraries purchase textbooks and even fewer have the most recent editions. When libraries do purchase textbooks, they usually reserve them for campus-use only and do not lend them to other libraries. Moreover, the high demand for textbooks means that the few library copies that can be borrowed are likely to be checked out.

If we were able to borrow a copy, it would usually take at least 10 business days to arrive. By then you would already be behind in your reading.

You would not be able to keep the book for the whole semester. Due dates are set by the lending library, not by Hofstra. Loan periods are usually between three and six weeks.

ILL books are subject to immediate recall, so you could have to give the book back at any time to avoid overdue fines.

You should be able to obtain all your textbooks from the Hofstra University Bookstore. They offer several rental and purchase options, depending on the individual title and its availability. You could also search Google for lots of information on alternatives available to students.

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