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Political Science Subject Guide

This is a guide to selected resources in Political Science

Suggested databases

Government Information

U.S. Presidential Library

The HeinOnline U.S. Presidential Library is a comprehensive digital collection of resources relating to the U.S. Presidency,  It includes such titles as Messages and Papers  of the Presidents (22 vols. beginning with George Washington and ending with Herbert Hoover), Public Papers of the Presidents (begins with Herbert Hoover; latest edition is Barack Obama 2009), Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents and CFR Title 3 series (text of formal presidential documents from 1936-current).

There are also a number of additional historical titles in the collection including the Book of the American Presidents (1939), Electoral System of the United States (1906), Powers of the Presidency During Crises (1960), The Presidency:  Its Duties, Its Powers, Its Opportunities, and Its Limitations (WH Taft, 1916), Presidential Power:  The Politics of Leadership (RE Neustadt, 1960)  as well as presidential biographies, commission reports, and much more!



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