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A Step-By-Step Guide to Using Zotero: Zotero Standalone

This guide will get you started collecting your sources in Zotero and using them to create in-text citations and bibliographies or works cited lists.

Why Use Zotero Standalone?

  • Zotero Standalone works with the Chrome and Safari web browsers in addition to Firefox. Unlike Zotero for Firefox, Zotero Standalone installs a separate program on your local computer
  • There is no need to install the Plugin for Word, since that is already included
  • You MUST use Zotero Standalone if you use Chrome or Safari
  • You can install Zotero Standalone on as many devices as you like
  • You can install both Zotero Standalone and Zotero for Firefox on the same computer

Downloding and Installing Zotero Standalone

1. To download Zotero Standalone, go to the Zotero download page, select Zotero 4.0 for Windows and follow the instructions

Be sure to select the extension for the browser you use. You will need to install the extension for each browser you use.

2.  Install Zotero Standalone in the same way that you install any other software

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