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Writing Studies & Composition WSC002 - Prof. Teller: Locating Books

Basic Library Information

Check the easy-to-use interactive  Library Basics Tutorial to find out what we have, where to find it, how to access it, and what services we offer you.


  • Use the popup chat widget on the Library's Homepage
  • Type us a question
  • Visit the Reference Desk or call at  516 463-5962
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  • Use the buttons below to immediately type us a question or chat with a librarian

Library Catalogs

To find books, select the Books/eBooks tab on the Library's Homepage.Use keywords to search for the title, author or subject of books you want.

  • The result list includes both print and electronic books and defaults to Hofstra's holdings. Records for print books include call numbers to allow you to locate them in the library. There is a link to call numbers and the floors they are located on underneath the search bar. eBooks do not have class numbers. Access them by clicking of the View eBook link on the catalog record.
  • Hofstra doesn't have the books you need? Check the Libraries Worldwide box on the left-hand panel of the results list to find books held in other libraries. Click on the title of the book you are looking for and you will see a link to access it from Interlibrary Loan.
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