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Writing Studies & Composition WSC002 - Prof. Teller: Locating Articles

Basic Library Information

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Finding Articles

To do a general search for articles, type keywords into the search bar underneath the Articles tab on the top left-hand side of the library's homepage. Hofstra also has a wide variety of research databases, both multidisciplinary and focused more specifically on particular subjects. Find an alphabetical list of these databases by clicking on the link that says Browse our full list of online databases underneath the Articles tab, or click here to .

The following are some of the databases you may find helpful for your assignment.

Academic Journals and Magazines

Academic Search Ultimate

Contains articles on a wide range of topics. Includes scholarly journals, non-scholarly magazines and newspapers. Includes many full text articles.


Like other databases, JSTOR covers a wide variety of topics. However, JSTOR includes only scholarly material (digital books as well as articles). All of the material which Hofstra owns or subscribes to is full text. Note: JSTOR is an archive of academic journals going back to the first issue of a journal and continuing to between two and five years prior to the current date. Do not expect to find the most recent material in JSTOR.


Good resource on psychology, mental health and related issues. Note: Scroll down to Publication Type and select All Journals in order to avoid retrieving references to books, dissertations and conference proceedings.

Social Science Database

Provides access to academic journals in a variety of disciplines in the social sciences, including education, sociology, political science, and economics. It also provides indexing to books, dissertations and conference proceeding. Be sure to limit your sources only to articles.


Full text of articles in the sciences, social sciences and the philosophy of science

Where to Find Newspaper Articles


The databases listed below are excellent sources for newspapers. In addition to articles on current events, newspapers are good sources for  book, film and theater reviews.

Note that Hofstra now offers students, staff and faculty free access to the digital version of the New York Times. You can now set up access to the NYT by clicking on Begin the registration process by typing Hofstra into the search bar.


A good source for newspapers. It contains Hofstra's only online access to The Wall Street Journal. You can browse The  Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post by clicking on the Home tab on the top of the page and scrolling down to where it says Newsstand.

Nexis Uni

Although Nexis also provides access to magazine and journal articles, it is a particularly good source of newspaper articles. It provides full text access to many national and international newspapers. Its coverage of the New York Times dates from 1980 to the present.

New York Times Historical

Provides access to the entire NYT (including ads, obituaries, marriage and birth announcements, etc.) from its very first issue in 1851 until four years prior to the current year.

Academic OneFile

Multidisciplinary database that includes magazines and journals in addition to newspapers.  Find full text coverage here for both the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Newsday Historical (1940-1984)

Full text access to Newsday between 1940 and 1984.

Newsday Recent (2010-3 months prior to present date)

Full text access to Newsday  from 2010

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