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History 14F: What's Your History: Find Books

This guide was prepared to lead you to specific items for your What's Your History? class.

Find Books and Videos

Relevant Print and Ebooks Owned by Axinn Library

Image result for book online library catalogListed below are items which are available in Axinn Library and which you can access through our online catalog located on the Library homepage.  Important to note:

  • Some are ebooks while others are print. 
  • You can download ebooks to any of your devices.
  • For the print books, please note that not all of these books are in the circulating collection.
  • You will see by the call number that some are held in the Reference Room on the main floor and others in our Special Collections Dept on the ground floor. 
  • Those books may not be checked out but you may scan for free the pages you need.  Our scanner is located in Periodicals Dept. also on the ground floor.
  • Books which are marked "Oversize" are held in the stacks and are located to the far right of the floor indicated. 

Axinn Library -- Generic Genealogy Resources

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