General Sociology Encyclopedias
Note that the online encyclopedias tend to be more recently published and up-to-date.
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Ref HM425 .B53 2007 This is an important encyclopedia in sociology. It has not been updated in print since 2007.
Encyclopedia of Social Theory Ref HM425 .E47 2005 This is a classic title but not up-dated. There may be a licensed (not owned) electronic copy. Use the catalog to search. The Wiley Blackwell Companion (listed above) is more recent and up-to-date.
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Ref H41 .I58 2001 A classic encyclopedia. Not entirely up-to-date.
Includes the following two databases (direct links and descriptions under "see note" below):
Includes: Education Database and ERIC . see "Additional Info" below.
The American Sociological Association reports the fifty most downloaded sociological articles in 2020. This may be useful for student research.
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