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To do a general search for articles, type keywords into the search bar underneath the Articles tab on the top left-hand side of the library's homepage. Hofstra also has a wide variety of research databases, both multidisciplinary and focused more specifically on particular subjects. Find an alphabetical list of these databases by clicking on the link that says Browse our full list of online databases underneath the Articles tab,
Below is a list of some databases that have proven useful for writing students.
Magazines and Journals
Covers a wide variety of topics, and includes articles in magazines, academic journals and newspapers. Many of the Articles are full text.
Like Academic Search Ultimate,there are articles on a wide range of topics. It includes academic journals and newspapers (including full text access to the New York Times, dating back to 1995. Includes many full text articles.
Provides full text access to about 2,000 journals, dating back to 1886. Good for finding information of business-related disciplines, including marketing and management.
Multdisiciplinary archive of academic journals, books and primary sources. All articles are scholarly. The periodical literature dates from the very first issue of a journal through 2 - 5 years prior to the current date.
Find information here on topics related to the fields of communication and mass media. Includes articles in magazines and academic journals. Much of it is full text.
Provides indexing and some full text for articles and books in a wide range of social science disciplines: anthropology, education, sociology, economics, political science, and psychology.
Note that Hofstra now offers students, staff and faculty free access to the digital version of the New York Times. You can now set up access to the NYT by clicking on Begin the registration process by typing Hofstra into the search bar.
Find the full text of various newspapers including the New York Times and the Washington Post. If you are looking for these specific publications, you will have to limit your search by publication (use the search box at the top of the screen).
Contains the full text of U.S. regional, national and local newspapers as well as some major international newspapers.
Full text coverage of the entire New York Times from 1851 to 4 years prior to the current year. In addition to articles this database includes advertisements, classified ads, wedding and birth announcements, etc.
Includes articles from over 30 New York Sate newspapers.
Provides full text access to over 1,100 local, regional, national and some international newspapers.It also includes thousands of images as well as some radio and television broadcasts and transcripts.
Ann Grafstein, M.L.S, Ph.D.
Professor of Library Services
902H Axinn Library
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