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MLA Citation Guide

This guide will help you understand how to use the MLA citation format for both in-text citations and works cited lists. It includes some more commonly used source formats. For complete information, please consult the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research

Professor of Library Services

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Ann Grafstein
Axinn Library
Room 902H

General Principles of Works Cited Lists

  • The entries in works cited lists must be alphabetized by the first word in each entry. Usually that is the author's last name
  • Double space within entries and do not skp additional lines between entries (for reasons of space and presentation, entires in this guide are all single-spaced).
  • The first line of each entry should be at the left-hand margin. Indent each subsequent line by five to seven spaces (use the hanging indent feature on your word processor)
  • Italicize titles of books and periodicals (magazines, newspapers, academic journals). The first letter of each word in titles is capitalized.
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