The Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, the main 11-story library building located at the south end of the Unispan across Hempstead Turnpike, houses the circulating book and the journal collections, the Harold E. Yuker Reference Library, Curriculum Materials, Film & Media collection, the John W. Wydler Government Documents Depository (electronic), and the Center for Academic Excellence.
The library contains over 600,000 print volumes and provides electronic access to over 150,000 journals and over 300 databases. Access to online information databases is available throughout the library via a wireless network and wired workstations.
The Axinn library building was completed in 1967 and named the Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library in 1988. The architects were Warner, Burns, Toan & Lunde, and the building won the 1966 annual award of the Concrete Industry Board of New York in recognition of its innovative design.