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Open-Access Resources: Writing & Composition


Purpose The purpose of CompPile is to allow ready reference to the published twentieth-century work in post-secondary composition and rhetoric, from the beginning of WWII to the end of the century. It does not extend before 1939 or after 1999. It is an on-line, keyworded, searchable inventory for researchers and teachers and anybody else interested. CompPile is offered in the spirit of free research and scholarship.  Use of this bibliography for profit, however, requires our permission.
Coverage CompPile's focus is on post-secondary writing (not speaking or conversing). It integrates journal articles, review-essays, notes and comments, books, dissertations, ERIC items, and edited collections. It does not systematically cover textbooks, how-to books, conference notices, editor's forwards, or reviews of single works.
CompPile is in process. It is not complete, and will not be complete for many years. Please note: currently, 15% of entries lack search terms, and much of the provision of search terms that has been done is stopgap (otherwise all entries do all have full bibliographic information).  The Search Term field remains empty in entries for many monographs and for the majority of the articles in important journal runs, such as as TESOL Quarterly. Until the addition of ample search terms is complete, topic searches should utilize the Title field along with the Search Term field.

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