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Open-Access Resources: Articles and Sources of Mixed Materials


Preprint repositories, and other sources of preprints, are listed under subjects and on the OER Libguide.

This link will search many of them and allows for discipline specific searches.



Sage Open Publishes peer-reviewed articles in an interactive format.

Open Library of Humanities Publishes open access, peer reviewed, journals.

SSRN Abstracts of submitted, and of accepted, papers. Preprints. Range of disciplines in the social sciences.

JSTOR Early Journal Content Journal content published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere. This link is to the Internet Archive collection of this material but there is a link within it to the JSTOR site directly.

Directory of Open Access Journals To be included articles must be open access and peer-reviewed. Search in the this database using the Browse function to get a list of disciplines. All journals in the DOAJ can be searched by individual title using Hofstra University's Journal Finder.



British Library Digitised Manuscripts An attempt to digitized all the manuscripts held in the British Library. The collection online is already extensive. The Medieval Manuscript Blog may be useful for anyone using this collection.

Mixed Resources

Figshare  Researchers can share most research output (e.g. data, video, papers). Free to access

Digital Public Library of America  An increasingly important site. Something of an aggregator or major depositories (e.g. HathiTrust, Internet Archive, various state university system depositories private university depositories, the U.S. government printing office). Contains open access books, but also other materials such as recorded lectures.

Smithsonian Library: Digital Library Books and other materials. Included are the Annual Reports of the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnography, both going back to the 19th century. A rich collection of material on Native Americans and on natural history.

Internet History Sourcebooks  Wide range of material organized by geography, period, and topic. Includes African, Jewish, and LGBTQ+ materials.

AWOL: Ancient World Online Mostly classics, but material of interest to philosophy and religion students and faculty. Links to a large number of open access journals from around the world.

Open Culture More of a blog than a repository, but provides useful links to open access resources, including MOOCs.

ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources. Maintained by UNESCO. This allows you to find various open access scholarly resources, journals primarily, around the world. There is an emphasis on ISSN number searching but items may be searched by title and by other means. A nice feature is the ability to generate lists of open access items by country.  ROAD offers reliable aggregation and consistent bibliographic control of open-access materials, taking indexing information from the following databases: ISSN Register, PsycINFO, Scopus, Catalogo (Latindex), DOAJ, The Keepers Registry, SJR, SNIP, ATLA Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, ATLA Religion Database, CAB Abstracts, CAS SciFinder, GeoRef, Global Health, Linguistics Abstracts, MEDLINE, PubMed Central (PMC). 

OpenGrey Over 700,000 references to grey literature produced in Europe. Allows you to locate records and download documents. Covers sciences, technoogy, economics, social sciences, and the humanities.

DSpace Repository  A very mixed collection from the Smithsonian Library. Much information on science and primary sources in the history of science. The one source for the United States government's open access data. Covers many fields, from science to education.

Digital Commons Network An excellent source of scholarly information. All may not be peer-reviewed. Material from institutional repositories.

OAIster A catalog of millions of academic-related open-access resources, primarily from digital archives. It contains books, artilces, newspapers, theses, video and audio files, photographic images, research and policy papers and datasets. Great resource for do research which supplements materials found in licensed databases. There are some mistakes (i.e. material not open-accessed) but most of the material is freely available

World Digital Library Maintained by the Library of Congress and in close cooperation with UNESCO. This is an archive of primary materials from around the world. Check out Frequently Asked Questions link for copyright information when using the items.

eScholarship: University of California Open-access scholarly material from the University of California system. Many of the journals are already available, and indexed, in One Search, but books, conference papers, working papers are probably not.

SciELO Once was largely Brazilian science journals, now contains journals in most subjects from South America and the Iberia. Also some material from South Africa. It has some open access books.

Gallica Multi-format site in French, Portuguese and Spanish although French predominates. Books, manuscripts, periodicals, images, sound recordings and scores. Maintained by the Bibliotheque nationale de France.

VD18 Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Druck dews 18. Jahrhundert. Digitized bibliography of works printed in Germany between 1701 and 1800.

Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (German Digital Library). Funded by the German government. This is a portal to digital content for texts, images recordings and other formats. Not all may be open-access. The material is not held at the Bibliothek but links are provided to other institutions.

Biblioteca Digital Hispánica National digital library of Spain.

Base (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) A multi-disciplinary search engine for scholarly resources on the Internet created by Bielefeld University Library in Germany. Most items are full-text and can be accessed by clicking on the embedded link provided which leads to a source outside of the search engine.

OECD iLibrary Excellent source of books, reports, data and other materials published by the OECD.  maintained by the Centre for Open Electronic Publishing, contains full-text largely in the social sciences and humanities. Contains full-text articles and books. Not all articles may be from peer-reviewed journal. They are in various languages although French predominates.

Subject Guide

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David Woolwine
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