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Open-Access Resources: Philosophy and Religion


This page contains a selected list of resources for open-access materials in the subject areas of philosophy and religion.

Books, Theses and Dissertations

Online Library of Liberty​ Classic texts, and some other material, in philosophy, political science, and economics.

Liberty Fund Classic texts in philosophy. May make it easier  to assign one open-access text to all students in a course.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy This is an online publication of the Metaphysics Research Lab of the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University. It is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The articles are scholarly.

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy This is an online publication of the editors who are professors at various colleges and universities.The articles are of high quality.

Open Logic Project Excellent and probably comprehensive list of open access textbooks in logic.

The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, and History of the Catholic Church. 1913. This the post-Vatican I, and pre-Vatican II, encyclopedia and represents the views of the Catholic Church at that time. Online at New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia

The Jewish Encyclopedia: A Descriptive Record of the History, Religion, Literature, and Customs of the Jewish People from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1901-06.This is an old, but classic, encyclopedia of Jewish life and experience. Online at Jewish Encyclopedia.

American Jewish Year Book. American Jewish Committee. An online archive of this resource back to 1899 is available on the AJC webpage at American Jewish Year Book.

Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia Maintained online by the Jewish Women's Archive. It was originally published in CD-Rom form by Shalvi Publishing and was edited by Paula Hyman of Yale and Dalia Offer of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The Search drop-down menu can be changed to search within the Encyclopedia only.


PhilPapers A directory of online articles and books in philosophy. It is maintained by David Chalmers and other philosophers. Not all material is peer-reviewed.

PhilSci Archive An electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science.

Cogprints Archive of preprints and publications in psychlogy, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, philosophy of mind other areas of philosopy, and biology.

For others in these disciplines search in the Directory of Open Access Journals using the Browse function to get a list of disciplines. All journals in the DOAJ can be searched by individual title using Hofstra University's Journal Finder. OnSearch should also pick up the content.

Radical Philosophy  Much feminist and socialist philosophy.


Mixed Resources

University of Chicago Leo Strauss Center Audio recordings and transcripts of seminars, lectures, etc. by the philosopher Leo Strauss held at the University of Chicago.

Open Greek and Latin Project Goal is to make openly available every source text produced in Classical Greek or Latin from antiquity to the present. There are some French translations and Latin translations of Greek texts.

AWOL: Ancient World Online Mostly classics, but material of interest to philosophy and religion students and faculty. Links to a large number of open access journals from around the world.

DigiBaeck The digitized portions of the collection of the Leo Baeck Institute which is devoted to the study of German Jewish heritage. Contains manuscripts, memoirs, images, some books and periodicals, and recordings, including oral histories of the Holocaust.

Princeton Theological Seminary: Theological Commons Digitized collection from Princeton Theological Seminary. Largely 19th century Protestantism. Includes African Methodist Episcopal Seminary Digital Archives and The Benson Collection of Hymns and Hymnology.

Amir Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources. A variety of open-access materials.


Walbash Center Syllabi Collection Wide ranging collection of syllabi in religious studies maintained by the Walbash Center, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society of Biblical Literature.

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David Woolwine
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