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Dance Education

Where to find Lesson Plans

There are many places where you can find lesson plans. Keep in mind that as the teacher it is your responsibility to make the lesson your own, adapt it your state's curriculum standards and to your own students. Each classroom has different needs. The following are some suggestions for places to find lesson plans


  • ERIC accessible through our Research Databases Page, see below for a printable handout about using ERIC


  • The CMC has many resources for teachers. Here are some sources in the CMC where you would be able to find ideas for lesson plans

      * The Teacher's Editions of textbooks

      * Activity, Unit Plan and Lesson Guides (search the CMC's catalog by keyword, to do so do a "keyword" search of your topic in the library's online catalog and then select "Hagedorn Hall--Curriculum Materials Center" as your location)

      * The CMC has curricula available for all subject areas which  has lesson plans and ideas within them


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