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Community Health

Websites for Community Health

Association for Community Health Improvement

The Association for Community Health Improvement is the premier national association for community health, community benefit, and healthy communities professionals.


Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Healthy Communities Program

The Community Health Resources Database plans, implements, and evaluates community health interventions and programs that address chronic diseases. Developed by CDC’s Community Health and Program Services Branch, the database includes links to hundreds of useful planning guides, evaluation frameworks, communications materials, health risk factors data and statistics, fact sheets, scientific articles, key reports, and state and local program contact information.


U.S. National Library of Medicine

This webpage brings you to the public division of the National Institute of Health's Library of Medicine. In addition to resources available at the physical location of the National Library of Medicine, there are many resources freely available to the public via the internet. Resources include databases (PubMed, Clinical, subject guides on a variety of topics related to health, as well as datasets on specific health conditions.


Community Health Care Association of New York State

Established in 1971 to give a voice to the state’s network of community health centers as leading providers of primary care, the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) is one of the leading primary care associations in the country.


National Association of Community Health Centers

The mission of the NACHC is: “To promote the provision of high quality, comprehensive and affordable health care that is coordinated, culturally and linguistically competent, and community directed for all medically underserved populations.”


National Association of County and City Health Officials

The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is the national organization representing local health departments. NACCHO supports efforts that protect and improve the health of all people and all communities by promoting national policy, developing resources and programs, seeking health equity, and supporting effective local public health practice and systems.



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