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Master of Arts in Math, Science and Technology Education: Finding Books

If Hofstra does not have the book you want

If you can't find the item that you want at Hofstra, chances are we can get it from somewhere else by interlibrary loaning it for you. Click here for access to your  Interlibrary Loan account, where you can make requests.

You may also visit other College/University Libraries through the Research Loan Program (RLP). Visit the circulation desk in Axinn library for more information.

Using the Hofstra Library Catalog

The Library's catalog is completely online. You may access the catalog from the libraries' homepage here: You may use the catalog to find  the following materials

  • Books
  • Videos/DVDs/Audio
  • Microfilm
  • Thesis
  • Curriculum Materials such as curricula, toys, manipulatives, games, maps etc.
  • Government Documents



·         Click on a tab to search by Title, Author or Subject.  The choice to search by Keyword comes up first.

·         For a Title search you do not need to include the word “the” if the title begins with that word.

·         For an Author search put the last name first.

·         For a Keyword search you may limit your search by location. For example you can search for your keyword in the Curriculum Materials Center only



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