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ZOTERO Citation Manager

What is zotero?

Zotero is a free reference manager.  The Zotero software enables you to collect citations as you do your research and organize them in your Zotero library.  You can build a library of books, articles, websites, multimedia, images, etc.  Zotero allows you to interact with this library as you write, creating in-text citations and reference lists through integration into your word processing software as well as web-based Google Docs.  Once you have established your research collection, Zotero allows you to save, organize, stylize, and share your library from anywhere.

You can use Zotero anywhere.  By installing Zotero on your personal computer and downloading the stand-alone software as a plug-in for your word processing, you can use Zotero while you are researching and sync it with your online Zotero library.  If you are on a computer that does not have Zotero installed on it, you can log into your online Zotero library and use Zotero as you research.  Zotero stores your research citations in the cloud, so it is always available to you through your Zotero library.


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