When you are on campus, walk-up reference services are available on the main floor of Axinn Library at the Reference Desk. Reference librarians will be at the reference desk 7 days a week during the fall and spring semesters. Please see the hours of Reference Desk/ Chat services here: https://libcal.hofstra.edu/hours/
If you are off campus - or on campus but not physically in the library - research assistance is available from anywhere 7 days a week via live Chat during Reference Desk/ Chat hours. Again, please see the library's hours here: https://libcal.hofstra.edu/hours/.
You may chat live with a librarian by visiting the library home page, https://libguides.hofstra.edu/hulhome, and clicking on the LIVE CHAT button on the right side of the page.
You may also access Chat through the Chat button on this page: https://libanswers.hofstra.edu/.
Librarians can recommend online databases, guide you through searches of relevant library resources, and assist you with citing your sources at the Reference Desk and through Chat, but if you would prefer to meet with a librarian one-on-one, you may make a research appointment by visiting: https://libcal.hofstra.edu/appointments/. Appointments are conducted in-person and through Zoom, whichever meets your needs. These one-on-one consultations allow you to explore the research resources available to you with the expert guidance of our library faculty.
Outside of reference desk hours, you may email your research questions to our reference librarians 24/7 at this email address, ereference@hofstra.libanswers.com. We will respond to your inquiries ASAP when the reference desk hours resume.
One-on-one research appointments and virtual reference services such as Chat and reference email are available for Hofstra affiliates (patrons with current Hofstra IDs) only. Members of the public are referred to public libraries for research assistance.
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