Click on the links below for text only versions. You will need your Hofstra username and password for access. The page numbers for articles in the pdf version are in parentheses.
Mehrsa Baradaran
Mortgaging the Future: The North-South rift led to a piecemeal system of bank regulation -- with dangerous consequences (p. 32)
Mehrsa Baradaran
Good as Gold: In Lincoln's wartime ''greenbacks,'' a preview of the 20th-century rise of fiat currency (p.35)
Mehrsa Baradaran
Fabric of Modernity: How Southern cotton became the cornerstone of a new global commodities trade (p.36)
Tiya Miles
Municipal Bonds: How Slavery Built Wall Street (p. 40)
Tiya Miles
Pecan Pioneer: The Enslaved Man Who Cultivated the South's Favorite Nut (p.76)
Anne C. Bailey and Dannielle Bowman (photograph)
Shadow of the Past (p. 98)
Alan Bailin, M.L.S, Ph.D.
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