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Library Policies

Policies for Axinn Library




Overdue books

No fine

Overdue reserve materials

$1 per hour (Maximum fine $100)

Damaged materials

$50 replacement fee

Lost books

$50 replacement fee

Interlibrary loan overdue fines

$1 per day (no maximum fine)

Interlibrary loan lost books

$100 or actual replacement fee from lending

 institution, whichever is higher


All overdue notices and bills are sent via electronic mail. Be sure to keep your address and e-mail address up-to-date in the University records.

Pay lost book bills at the Axinn Library Circulation Desk, or by mail. We cannot accept credit cards.

Lost or Damaged Items

If you lose or damage a library item, you will be billed $50 to cover the cost of the item and a processing fee. You will receive a bill for any material that is more than six weeks overdue. If the item is found within a year, you will be reimbursed for bills paid. Fees for lost Interlibrary Loan items are higher and not reimbursable.

If you elect to replace a lost or damaged item with an identical item, your bill may be reduced. If you have questions about how to replace an item, please contact the Circulation Desk in Axinn Library (516-463-5952).

Outstanding debts must be settled prior to graduation or separation from Hofstra University.

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