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OER and Scholarly Communication: Journal and Article Metrics

A general guide to open educational resources.


This provides links to some free journal citation and ranking sites.  Cabells is not free and you must be logged into MyHofstra to access this database provided by Hofstra University Library.

Alternative Metrics

Metrics Toolkit  Maintained by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Evaluates metrics.

Publish or Perish Software which allows for analysis of journals, bibliometric research, and to build a case for research impact.

Impactstory Tracts your impact on Twitter. Must create a Twitter account to use.

Open Metrics (Largely Journal)

SJR: SCImago Journal and Country Rank

It is described at BitesizeBIo

Primarily for science journals but one  can configure it for other disciplines as well. For instance you can rank all Sociology/Political Science journals within the Subject Category box after first selecting Social Sciences in the Subject Area.


Under the "About" tab is a faq which explains what is being measured. Science journals are well represented, social sciences less so and only some journals in the humanities.

Eigenfactor Metrics  Actual database of journals with metrics up to 2015.

SJR and Eigenfactor allow the user to search for journals within disciplinary categories.

Google Scholar Metrics

Open Syllabus Metric for how many times an item appears in a college syllabus. This includes books as well as articles.


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