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Open Textbooks: Full Guide

Major Sources for Open Access Books and Other OERs

OASIS is maintained by SUNY. You can use advanced search to find textbooks.

Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)  Maintained by George Mason University, can be searched for more than books.

Directory of Open Access Books

Open Research Library  The goal of this database is to provide access to 20,000 open access books. Must create a free account.

Google Advanced Search allows searching by Usage Rights. To find open access materials use filters, "free to use or share," "free to use or share even commercially," "free to use, share, or modify,"  and "free to use, share, or modify, even commercially."

Finding Other OER Resources

Sometimes full textbooks can be found in these resources. But also lesson plans or elements which one can use in putting together a course. In some cases content here is picked up by the major search engines above.


OpenStax/OER Commons

OpenOregon Over 600 open access classroom resources in many disciplines, from syllabi, to free readings, to textbooks.

Open Education Consortium

MIT Open Courseware

UCI Open Open course materials from UC Irvine.

Saylor Academy Course Catalog

Finding OERs on Google

H20 Classroom Tools  This is a repository which allows sharing and modification (in some cases) of course materials. Those which are linked to Harvard University's licensed databases may need to modified here for use (i.e. linked to our databases). Consult a librarian for assistance. This was created by Harvard University and was originally intended for Law but now encourages use by faculty in other disciplines. It is a product of Harvard Library Lab


Free Textbook Sites

Some of these may be incorporated in the major sources for open access books.

Open Texbook Library Supported by the Center for Open Education and the Open Textbook Network.

LibreTexts Coming out of the University of California system, initially U Davis, with a Congressional support and working with Merlot. A good aggregator of textbooks on a variety of subjects.

BC Campus OpenEd: Find Open Texbooks.This is a repository of open textbooks, arranged by subject. There is also a description of each textbook which may be helpful. The links to BC may not always work, but one can usually link to the original product as well. Here is the main link to BC Campus OpenEd.  They also have a Self-Publishing Guide.

Cool 4 ED: California Open Online Library for Education Produced by the California State University Merlot Program. Contains both text books and course materials.

OERI Textbooks by Discipline Open Educational Resources Initiative of the Academic Senate of the California Community Colleges.

Boundless Works with Lumen. Good number of textbooks in specific disciplines. Worth exploring.

Open Logic Project Excellent and probably comprehensive list of open access textbooks in logic.

Milne Open Textbooks Formerly SUNY Open Textbooks.

Galileo Open Textbooks and other materials from the University System of Georgia.

Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education Resources Known as ISKE, a non-profit organization which develops and disseminates a range of open access materials for education at all levels. It also advocates for and holds seminars and training sessions on the use of open access resources.

OER Commons  A free repository of over 50,000 educational resources for all levels. Textbooks can be located here, mostly drawn from other sources, including the ones on this list. However, it has highly functional search engine and may be useful.

Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources Opens on disciplinary open-textbook page. Not all materials are truly free here, but worth exploring.

American University Open Textbook Repository Mixed collection, but does contain science, technology, and business textbooks as well as others. Some of the links and collections are listed here separately.


Open Pedagogy: Tools for Faculty Adopting OER

ACC Learn OER Learning modules.

Adopting Open Educational Resources in the Classroom Lumen Learning course.

Affordable Learning Georgia Modules on adopting open access resources.

Intro to Open Education. David Wiley's course.

OER Attribution Builder May help faculty to attribute OERs and Open Textbooks appropriately.

Open Educational Practice and Professional Learning Resources and tools maintained by OER Commons.
Open Pedagogy Notebook Source of assignments and resources for the use of open access materials in classroom. Emphasis on student creation of  open access materials.

Tenure and Promotion Criteria for OER Related Activities Created by DOERS3 an organization which promotes the use of open access to assist in student success.


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David Woolwine
902C Axinn Library, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1230


Creating Your Own

BC Campus Self-Publishing Guide

REBUS Community Non-profit organization which helps scholars create open access textbooks.

Suggestions for Library Faculty Working with Teaching Faculty

Textbooks must be produced under Creative Commons and/or conform to David Wiley’s definition of open access.

Librarians and teaching faculty should work with Student Access Services  to ensure accessibility of open educational resources to all students. The following link may also be useful.  BC Open Textbook Accessibility Toolkit

Archived Webinar 

Certificate Resources Maintained by Creative Commons.

OER Librarian Toolkit ACRL libguide.Open Oregon Educational Resources webinar on finding and showcasing open residents by subject.

OER Toolkit Prepared by Ontario College Libraries.

Open Education Librarian Tool Box Virginia Tech libguide.

OTN Certificate In OER Librarianship Open Textbook Network.


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