The following is a list of CIRCULATING books which contain relatively small numbers of actual research tests in each book.
In addition to browsing the items below, you may also SEARCH the UT-Austin site by keyword, but you MUST use "TMDB" (without quotations" as one of your keywords (e.g., TMDB perinatal grief).
RA 480.5 A33 1996
Aday, L. A. (1989). Designing and conducting health surveys: A comprehensive guide. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. (4 full-text measures)
BF 722 F32 1980
Fadely, J. L.; Hosler, V. N. (1980). Developmental psychometrics: A resource book for mental health workers and educators. Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas. (5 full-text measures)
And more on tests and measures….
What about Dissertations?
Doctoral students often adapt/create instruments for use in their dissertation. Dissertations Abstracts (via Research Databases) indexes North American and European dissertations. Tests are typically appended, and reliability and validity information is often included in the dissertation. Dissertations are normally held only by the institution at which they were conducted, and must be borrowed via inter-library loan or purchased directly from UMI for @ $35.00 ( Most institutions lend their dissertations, but not all. If you receive a dissertation in microfilm, Special Collections (Axinn ground floor, 9a-5p only) will scan and digitize it into a PDF for you.
Hofstra dissertations are available electronically (1986 – present in ‘Current Research@Hofstra’ via Research Databases)
What about journal articles?
Authors will sometimes append a test that they have constructed to their article. To find such tests, a good strategy is to include the term ‘appended’ in your search. For example, school phobia AND appended. Sometimes, the items (not exact form), administration and scoring are included within the article itself, but there is no search strategy that can identify these precisely – it’s hit or miss.
Permission to use test?
Tests are copyrighted. Unless test is in public domain or permission explicitly provided, contact the copyright holder in writing (print or email). If their contact information is not listed in the book(s) covering the test itself, conduct a Google search, or ask a librarian for assistance.
Reliability and Validity of Tests?
Typically reliability and validity information is included in the book(s) that cover the test itself. For more information on reliability and validity, search databases such as Medline CINAHL, Health Source: Nursing Academic, PsycInfo, Professional Development Collection. Enter the test name as the search term. Research articles in which the test has been used will usually include more reliability and validity data.
What if I want to construct my own test?
Test construction is a complicated business. But, if you must, there are a number of books available that provide guidance in test construction.
Survey Kit (2nd ed) REF HN29 S724 2003
10-volume set; each volume provides a concise, nuts and bolts treatment of topics such as how to ask questions, how to administer surveys, telephone and in-person interviews, how to sample, how to assess and interpret psychometrics, how to manage, analyze, and interpret data, and how to report on survey data
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