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Public Health - Surveys & Measures: Tests & Measures available at Hofstra

Tests and Measures Available at Hofstra

The following is a list of reference books which contain relatively large or frequently used collections of actual research tests.

  • These books are all located in the Reference Room on the main floor of Axinn Library.
  • I STRONGLY SUGGEST that you read the front matter (e.g., foreword, preface, introduction, informational chapters) in each source as it usually provides valuable information.
  • Below each title and call number, there is a link to a webpage which lists what tests are in that book.  A big THANK YOU to Helen Hough of UT-Austin for creating the Tests and Measures Database to which the links point!!

Please note that titles followed by an asterisk are linked to older editions as the later edition has not yet been indexed on the UT-Austin site.  Later editions normally include MORE tests than previous editions, so you may want to check our later-edition print copy as well.  As later editions are indexed in the U-Texas site, the link will be to the matching edition and the asterisk will be removed.

In addition to browsing the items below, you may also search the UT-Austin site by keyword, but you MUST use "TMDB" (without quotations" as one of your keywords (e.g., TMDB perinatal grief).

  • Some instruments are included in several compilation volumes, so look if several titles are presented, look for a title we own. 
  • Be aware that you may be directed only to a title which we do not own; in this case, interlibrary-loan the item.  If you cannot inter-library loan the item, contact Annmarie Boyle at annmarie.b.boyle@hofstra.edu.

General Health-Related

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)
From the Agency for HealthCare Research and Quality (AHRQ) – provides links to surveys on health plans, clinicians and groups, surgical care, experience of care and health outcomes (ECHO), home health care, hospice, hospital, in-center dialysis, nursing homes, supplemental item sets and instructions.


Rand Health Surveys
Actual scales on aging and health, homelessness, health economics, HIV/STDs/sexual behavior, maternal/child/adolescent health, mental health, military health, quality of care, qual8ity of life and managed health care.


Outcome Measures for Health Education and Other Health Care Interventions
REF RA440.5 O94 1996

Also available as ebook via Hofstra catalog - must be on-campus or logged into portal if off-campus
Contains 25 actual instruments


Measuring Health: A Review of Quality of Life Measurement Scales
Ebook available via Hofstra catalog - must be on-campus or logged into portal if off-campus

Reviews many QOL scales and contains three actual scales.

Centers for Disease Control - National Center for Health Statistics (CDC - NCHS)
Provides links to surveys on a variety of health-related issues including aging, disability, health, nutrition, fitness, vital records, insurance coverage, and specific health issues as well as provider surveys.



Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement
REF H62 M44 2002

GREAT RESOURCE!!!!  Covers all aspects of research designs. Section 7 includes actual scales or information on available scales for social variables including social status, group structures, social indicators, organizational structures community and social participation, leadership, morality, job satisfaction, attitudes, values, family, marriage, and personality.

Tools for strengths-based assessment and evaluation
REF H62. S47296 2013

142 full-text instruments on happiness, subjective well-being, health, wellness, health-related quality of life, mindfulness, hope, resilience, humor, coping, post-traumatic growth, social support and social relationships.



General Clinical and Mental Health


Measures for Clinical Practice and Research (5th ed) (2-volume set)
REF  BF176 C66 2013

500 full-text instruments for adults, children, couples, families.  Front matter includes alphabetical list and topical list as well as guidance in test selection. At the end of each instrument's information profile, "availability" is indicated.  Most instruments indicate "may be copied from book", some indicate "journal article" and indicate the primary reference citation, and some indicate the author/publisher's contact information.

Handbook of clinical rating scales and assessment in Psychiatry and mental health
REF  RC473 P78 H36 2010

41 full-text measures on a variety of mental health issues.  Some tests may be copied directly without further permission, some indicate that you need to contact author/publisher for permission (if the latter, this information and contact information is usually provided immediately following the test).  In addition to the full-text instruments provided, book addresses other tests for each clinical issue, and also indicates the "gold standard" test for that issue.


Handbook of psychiatric measures (2nd ed)
REF RC473 P78 A46 2008

136 full-text instruments.  Full-text instruments are on accompanying CD.  Alphabetical list of full-text instruments is on pp.755-757.  List by chapter (topic) is on pp. 757-761.  Covers general psychiatric symptoms, mental health status, functioning, and disability, general health status, functioning, and disability, quality of life, adverse effects, patient perceptions of care, stress and life events family risk factors, suicide risk, child and adolescent measures, symptom-specific measures for infancy, childhood, adolescence, child and adolescent functional status, delirium and cognition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, substance use disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform and factitious disorders and malingering, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, sleep disorders, impulse control, personality traits and disorders, defense mechanisms, and aggression. Also covers many instruments not full-text, and provides "practical issues" section for each, including permission information and cost if any.

Rating scales in mental health (3rd ed)  *
REF  RC473 P78 S245 2012

119 full-text tests; actually, some tests are very long so representative sample items are provided.  Copyright information is provided for each test - some will indicate "N/A" or "public domain" and do not need further permissions.  In other cases, contact information is provided. 


Sourcebook of adult assessment strategies
REF  RC473 P78 S38 1995

75 full-text instruments organized around broad categories in DSM-IV.  Instruments are re-printed with permission from the author/publisher, which indicates that you should do the same if using the instrument.

Anxiety and Mood Disorders


Practitioner's guide to empirically-based measures of anxiety
REF  RC5431 P73 2001

77 full-text instruments.  Reviews of over 200 instruments, and covers general issues in the assessment of anxiety disorders and assessment strategies.  Instruments are in Appendix B. Each instrument is followed by a "permission" statement.  Unless the statement indicates that the instrument may be copied freely, you must get permission from the author/publisher.


Practitioner's guide to empirically-based measures of depression
REF  RC537 P6924 2000

24 full-text instruments in Appendix B, most of which are re-printed by permission. Also covers many other instruments not re-printed in book.  Appendix A contains Quick-View Guide to instruments and provides target population, type of measure, measurement focus, time to complete, norm(s) availability, whether a fee is required, and alternate form availability (including Spanish and other language forms).


Assessment of depression
REF  RC 537 A87 1986

13 full-text instruments. Reviews assessment of depression used around the world and self-report v. clinical interview in assessing depression.

Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania, and Anxiety
REF  RC537 L338 2007

64 full-test instruments; instruments are followed by a "permission" statement, indicating whether the item is in the public domain or if permission is required.  Contact information for instruments is in the information section for each instrument.  There are additional instruments for which full-text is not included, but sample items may be, and descriptive and contact information information is provided for these instruments.


Addictions and Recovery


Treating alcoholism: Helping your clients find the road to recovery
REF  RC 565 P375 2004

33 full-text instruments. Covers diagnosis, treatment and assessment of alcoholism.  Many instruments are re-printed with permission, indicating that you should do the same if using the instrument.  For those that do not indicate permissions, determine status.


Can we measure recovery? A compendium of recovery and recovery-related instruments
REF  RC 480.5 C666 (Vol.1)

20 full-text instruments.  Covers conceptualization and measurement of recovery.  Provides concise chart of recovery measures on pp.  13-15 and recovery-related measures on pp. 24-28 including title, author/date, development, # of items and type of scaling, domains measured, reliability and validity data, and populations.  Full-text instruments are in Appendix B.  Information and permissions contact information provided for each measure.


Measuring the promise: A compendium of recovery measures
REF  RC480.5 C666 (Vol. 2)

14 full-text instruments.  Includes measures of individual recovery and of recovery-promoting environments. Some permission statements indicate that the measure is free to use and doesn't require any further permissions.  Others provide contact information for author/publisher.


Assessing alcohol problems: A guide for clinicans and researchers (2nd ed)
REF  HV 5279 A8 2003

75 full-text instruments related to assessment in diagnosis treatment planning and outcome evaluation. An index to the full-text instruments included starts on p. 667.  The instruments and their individual permissions information start on p. 235.

Dual Diagnosis


Integrated treatment for dual disorders: A guide to effective practice
REF  RC564.68 I684 2003

16 educational handouts and 20 full-text instruments.  Handouts are in Appendix B and instruments are in Appendix C.  See "limited photocopy license" on verso for information on permissions.

Child- and Adolescent-Specific


Children in pain: Clinical and research issues from a developmental perspective
REF  RJ365 C47 1991

4 full-text instruments.  Covers broad range of issues related to pediatric pain, including developmental issues, cognitive levels, assessment, intervention and management, infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents.


Measuring health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: Implications for research and practice
REF  RJ380 M4 1998

4 full-text instruments.  Covers broad range of topics of conceptual, ethical, and practical issues in measuring quality of life in children and adolescents.


Pain in children: Nature, assessment and treatment
REF  RJ365 M37 1990

20 full-text instruments. This volume covers nature of children's pain experiences, assessment of pain, complexity of nociceptive system, pharmacological interventions, non-pharmacological interventions, integrated pain management, acute pain, recurrent pain, and chronic pain.  The appendix contains 20 full-text instruments.  Users must contact author for permission, scoring and administration information (contact information on first page of appendix).


Assessing children's well-being: A handbook of measures
REF  RJ50 A835 2004

20 full-text instruments, located in Appendix.  Covers health status and quality of life, adherence, pain management, child behavior, child development, child coping, cognitions, attributions, and attitudes, evnironment, and consumer satisfaction. Chapters provide contact information for tests, including tests which are discussed but for which full-text is not included.


Educational Psychology


Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences (3rd ed)  *
REF  LB3051 L4543 2014

126 full-text instruments covering 40 domains. Most from published sources, several from dissertations. Virtually all instruments are re-printed with permission from the author/publisher, which indicates that you should do the same if using the instrument.


Mirrors for behavior III: An anthology of observation instruments
REF  LB1131.5 M575 1974

99 full-text instruments.  Covers school-age children, and most designed to be used in some type of educational setting.  Covers affective and cognitive communication, psychomotor behavior, activity, content of communication, sociological structure and physical environment.

Positive Psychology


Positive psychological assessment:  A handbook of models and measures
REF  BF 176 P67 2003

19 full-text instruments. Reviews models of positive psychology and measures used.  Instruments are re-printed with permission of author/publisher, indicating that you should do the same; permission information is found immediately beneath each instrument.

Weight and Eating Disorders


Obesity assessment: Tools, methods, interpretations
REF  RC628 O2297 1997

44 full-text instruments. From the RENO Diet-Heart Study.  Covers physical activity, dietary intake, attitudes, eating and dieting behaviors, personality and psychological factors, emotions and stress, interrelationships, changes.


Handbook of assessment methods for eating behaviors and weight-related problems: Measures, theory and research (2nd ed)  *
REF  RC552 E18 H357 2009

45 full-text instruments. Covers quality of life in obesity and eating disorders, attitudes toward obese people, body image, restrained eating, physical activity, food intake, hunger and satiety, binge-eating and purging, eating-disordered thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, eating and weight-related problems in children. Instruments are in appendices organized by chapter. Permission statements immediately below each instrument.

Body Image


Exacting beauty: Theory, assessment, and treatment of body image disturbance
REF  RC569.5 B65 E93 1999

36 full-text instruments.  Covers virtually all areas of body image disturbance with accompanying instruments.  Instruments are in appendices numbered according to corresponding chapter.  Permission information in immediately beneath each instrument.



Handbook of sexuality-related measures (3rd ed)
REF  HQ60 H36 2011

209 full-text instruments covering topic including but not limited to abuse, aging, anxiety, arousal, assault attitudes, attraction, behavior, beliefs, body image, coercion, communication, compulsion, contraception, consent, double-standard, dysfunction, education, fantasy, functioning, harassment, homophobia, GLBTQI..., , knowledge, masturbation, orgasm, motivation, risk, STDs and more. Description, reliability and validity data and author/publisher contact information is provided for each instrument.



Compendium of tests, scales, and questionnaires: The practitioner's guide to measuring outcomes after acquired brain impairment
REF  RC386.6 N48 T38 2010

107 full-text intruments. Scales of consciousness and orientation, general and specific cognitive functions, regulation of behavior, thought, and emotion, sensory, ingestion, and motor functions, activities of daily living (ADL's), participation and social role, environmental factors, and quality of life.  Permission information generally located immediately following instrument.


Handbook of neurologic rating scales (2nd ed)  *
REF  RC348 H296 2006

59 full-text instruments. Contains broad array of scales covering generic neurological states, pediatrics, movement disorders, elderly with dementia, clinical stroke, peripheral neuropathy and pain, headache, ataxia, traumatic brain injury, quality of life for epilepsy, rehabilitation outcomes, and HIV-associated cognitive impairment.


Measurement in neurological rehabilitation
REF  RC386.6 N48 W33 1992

141 full-text instruments.  Covers motor and sensory impairments, cognitive and emotional impairments, physical disability, social interaction, quality of life specific diseases, specific circumstances, miscellaneous.


Compendium of neuropsychological tests: Administration, norms, and commentary  (2nd ed)
REF  RC 386.6 N48 S67 1998

30 full-text instruments, most administered by clinician, assessing a variety of neurological issues.

Social Psychology and Attitudes; Social Participation and Dybamics


Handbook of research design and social measurement (6th ed)  *
REF H62 M44 2002

33 full-text instruments. Covers social status, group structure and dynamics, social indicators, organizational structure, community, social participation, leadership, morale and job satisfaction, attitudes, values, norms, family and marriage.  Also provides extensive references to instruments for which full-text is not included in this book.


Measurement of attitudes toward people with disabilities: Methods, psychometrics, and scales
REF  HV1553 A62 1988

22 full-text instruments.  Covers general attitudes toward people with disabilities, toward people with specific disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, mentally retarded, and societal responsibilities toward people with disabilities.

Industrial and Organizational


Pfeiffer's classic inventories, questionnaires and surveys for training and development
REF  HF5549.5 T7 P44 2004

37 full-text instruments. Covers beliefs about working people and the management role, views of manager's current behavior, both self-rated and other-rated, and climate factors that shape organization's practices and will help or hinder desired changed in management behavior.



Handbook of Geriatric assessment (4th ed)  *
REF  RC 953 G34 2006

30 full-text instruments.  Covers mental status, cognition, memory and concentration, geriatric depression, activities of daily living (ADL's), dementia, family/caregiver issues.


Assessing the elderly: A practical guide to measurement
REF  RC954.3 K36 1981

33 full-text instruments.  Covers mental status, cognition, geriatric depression, activities of daily living (ADL's), orientation, affect, social support, life satisfaction and morale, activities, nursing home satisfaction.


Research instruments in social gerontology (3 volumes)
REF  HQ1061 R44 1982 (V1,V2,V3)

298 full-text instruments.  Volume 1 (clinical and social psychology) covers intellectual functioning, personality, adaptation, morale and life satisfaction, self-concept and self-esteem, death and dying, environments, ethnic group identification, subjective age identification, life-phase analysis, and perceptions of old people. Volume 2  (social roles and social participation) covers social particpation roles, dyadic relations, parent-child relations kinship relations, work and retirement, socioeconomic status and poverty, religiosity, friends, neighbors, and confidants, voluntary associations, and leisure activities. Volume 3 (health, program evaluation and demography) covers functional capacity, health, utilization of health services, individual needs and community resources, social program tracking and evaluation, effectiveness of long-term care, evaluating cost of services, organizational properties, aging of populations, demographic characterisitcs, and geographic mobility.  Tests for each chapter are in the back of each book.


Assessing older persons: Measures, meaning and practical applications
REF  HQ1061 A74 2000 [2004 is reprint of 2000]

100 full-text instruments.  Covers functioning, physiological well-being and health, cognition, emotions, mood, anxiety, psychological well-being, hope, social functioning, quality of life, values and preferences, satisfaction, spirituality, family caregivers, and environment.


Assessment scales in old age psychiatry (2nd ed)  *
REF  RC473 P78 B876 2009

137 full-text instruments. Scales cover depression, cognition, neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric status, activities of dailing living (ADL's), quality of life, mental health, physical status, caregiver assessments, memory and miscellaneous scales. Permission information is provided immediately below each instrument.

Race and Ethnicity


Measuring race and ethnicity
REF  HT1523 D38 2011

61 full-text instruments.  Scales measure how individuals from various racial/ethnic groups think about themselves and about members of other racial/ethnic groups. Measures identity and acculturation for Asian and Pacific Islanders, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Caucasian Americans, and Native Americans.  Some scales are for administration to members of specific groups, while  others are designed to be used with members of all groups.

Violence and Aggression


Measuring Intimate Partner Violence, Victimization and Perpetration: A Compendium of Assessment Tools
REF HV6626 M43 2006
Also available electronically at link below

Actual scales of physical victimization, sexual victimization, psychological/emotional victimization, stalking victimization, physical perpetration, sexual perpetration, psychological/emotional perpetration, and stalking perpetration.


Measuring Violence-related Attitudes, Behaviors and Influences among Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools
Actual tests on many components of issues related to violence.  Broad categories include:  attitude and belief assessments, psychosocial and cognitive assessments, behavior assessments, and environmental assessments as they relate to violence.

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