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Business Ratios

All Resources Available 24/7 Access using Axinn Library Homepage www.hofstra.edu/library

Start at the Library's Homepage

Click on the Databases by Subject Box and select Accounting/Business/Finance/Marketing and click GO


Locating Business Ratios Using Axinn Electronic Resources

Factiva's Companies/Markets tab contains financial and ratio information about companies

  • Select Company from the drop-down list
  • Change the Smart Lookup option or either Company Name or Ticker then
  • Enter the company name or ticker in the dialog box and
  • Click on the matching company
  • At the Company Snapshot page click on the Reports link (left side of screen)
  • Select the Ratio Comparison Report in HTML format

More Electronic Resources

  • At the top of the screen enter either the company name or ticker symbol and click on the match from the returned list of companies
  • On the left side of the screen click on the Ratios link
  • This link is always in the Financials/Valuation category and frequently in the Most Used category
  • Click on the WRDS link
  • You cannot save yoor work in WRDS, you can only download results and same on your personal computer, a flash drive, email or save  to your network space
  • You are prompted to enter your Hofstra email
  • You will receive a one day access code by return email
  • Click on the link in the email and you will have access to WRDS
  • Ratios are located in Compustat / Tools / Data and Ratios (XLS)
  • Enter the year range
  • Enter the Ticker codes
  • Press Submit
  • Should a warning appear about an untrusted connection click on I understand the risks to continue
  • The spreadsheet will appear

More Electronic Resources

  • Enter either Company Name or Ticker and select correct company from list
  • Click on the Financials link on the left side of the screen
  • Select Ratios tab
  • From available options select type of ratio comparison, time period and companies
  • Click Update View
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