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Tests and Measures at Hofstra University: INDEXES of Tests and Measures

This guide provides information on understanding and identifying commercial and research tests and measures. It also provides information on tests for which the full-text is available via Hofstra, and how to access those tests.


Indexes / Abstracts of Tests and Measures

ETS Test Collection Catalog

Available electronically at ;  provides  scope, target audience, and availability on @ 25,000 standardized, commercially-available tests and research instruments.   Most ETS Test Collection tests are restricted tests which require documentation of training or academic credentials and for which one must pay $$.


ETS TEST COLLECTION ALSO INDEXES FREE “RESEARCH TESTS”.  These are called TIM (Tests in Microfiche).  Hofstra has the microfiche cards which contain the test and relevant information.  The tests can be searched in ETS, and then retrieved at the Axinn Library Reference Desk.  TIM tests are also indexed in some of the other materials below, and will be identified with the TIM number by which the test can be retrieved at the Reference Desk. 


You do not need to obtain permission to use the actual TIM tests unless you are making any changes to the test

Print indexes / abstracts of Tests and Measures

Directory of Unpublished Experimental Mental Measures       
REF BF176.G65

  • Information and citations to experimental measures in psychology, education, personnel, and sociology 
  • Separate index volume that indexes volumes 1-7 ONLY.  Subsequent volumes index all volumes.


Measures for Psychological Assessment:  A Guide to 3,000 Original Sources and their Applications             REF BF 698.5 C45 1975

  • Covers mental health and related concepts; citations to works where tests were originally described and to other works where test(s) were used
  • Author, Descriptor, and ' Supplement to the Descriptor' indexes are IN FRONT of book, pp. 1-56


Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment          
REF BF176 C654 2004

  • 4-volume set covers intellectual and neuropsychological assessment, personality assessment, behavioral assessment, industrial and organizational assessment
  • introduction to topic, followed by articles on specific aspects of testing in that area, as well as on particular tests


Sex and gender issues:  A handbook of tests and measures     
REF BF692 B38 1990

Information and citations to availability of 197 scales on heterosexual relations, sexuality, contraception and abortion, pregnancy and childbirth, somatic issues, homosexuality, rape and sexual coercion, family violence, body image and appearance, and eating disorders.


Gender Roles: A Handbook of Tests and Measures                    
REF HM253 B43 1990

Information and citations to availability on scales of gender roles, children and gender, gender stereotypes, marital and parental roles, employee roles, multiple roles, and attitudes toward gender roles


Women and Women's Issues:  A Handbook of Tests and Measures       
REF HQ1180 B43

Information and citations to availability of 235 tests/measures covering  sex roles, sex stereotypes, sex role prescriptions, children's sex roles, gender knowledge, marital and parental roles, employee roles, multiple roles, attitudes toward women's issues, somatic and sexual issues and more


Tests and Measurements in Child Development:  A Handbook                REF BF722 J64 1976
Tests and Measurements in Child Development:  Handbook II               
REF BF722 J643 1976 (2 volumes)

  • The Handbook covers tests for children birth to age 12;  Handbook II (Vols 1 and II) covers tests for children birth to 18
  • Information and citations to availability of measures of cognition, personality and emotional characteristics, perceptions of environment [non-family], self-concept, environment [family], motor skills, brain injury, and sensory perception, physical attributes, miscellaneous attitudes and interests, social behavior, and miscellaneous;  Handbook II also covers vocational tests


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