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Finding Negative News in Nexis Uni

Negative News Post Search Filter

The News category offers the ability to narrow your search results by the Negative News post search filter. The Negative News post search filter narrows results to articles that contain negative or critical information about a person or business.

Take the following steps to apply the Negative News post search filter:

  • Enter a name of a company or person and run the search.
  • Click the News category to view results.
  • Expand the Negative News post search filter.
  • Select one of the following:
    • Negative Personal News
    • Negative Business News

Depending on the thoroughness of your search, you may also want to look at Cases for additional sources for negative information.


Negative News - Individual - including violent crimes

Finding Negative News - Individual - including violent crimes

Where FIRST NAME and LAST NAME appear below in the blue text, put the first name and last name of the person researching.  Then, cut and paste all of the blue text Nexis Uni search box to find Negative and Derogatory news about an individual's criminal activity:


FIRST NAME w/3 LAST NAME and LAST NAME w/10 abus! or accus! or alleg! or arraign! or arrest! or assault! or attack! or beat! or brib! or charg! or convict! or corrupt! or court! or conspir! or crim! or deceiv! or decept! or defendant or defraud! or denied or deny or disorderly conduct or driving under influence or driving while intoxicated or drug or drunk! or dui or d u i or d.u.i. or dwi or d w i or d.w.i. or embezz! or extort! or felon! or fraud! or guilt! or harass! or illegal! or incrim! or indict! or investigat! or jail! or kill! or larcen! or launder! or misapprop! or misconduct or misdeme! or murder! or narcot! or negligen! or offen! or outlaw or parol! or prison! or probat! or prosecut! or revocation or revoke* or robber! or sabotag! or sanction! or scam! or scandal! or shoplift! or stab or stabbed or stabbing or steal! or stole* or suspen! or terroris! or theft or thief or thiev! or threat! or trespass! or unlawful! or verdict or violat! or violen! or weapon

Here is what your search would look like using Julian Assange as an example.  Note you would want to adjust the date range and content type of your search.  There are benefits to not adjusting the content type.  See the first box above, Finding Negative News in Nexis Uni.

Negative News - Individual - excluding violent crimes

Finding Negative News - Individual - excluding violent crimes

Where FIRST NAME and LAST NAME appear below in the blue text, put the first name and last name of the person researching.  Then, cut and paste all of the blue text Nexis Uni search box to find Negative and Derogatory news about an individual's criminal activity:


FIRST NAME w/3 LAST NAME and LAST NAME w/10 abus! or accus! or alleg! or attack! or acquit! or arraign! or arrest! or bankrupt! or breach! or brib! or (chapter pre/1 7 or 11 or 13) or charg! or corrupt! or conspir! or co-conspir! or court! or critici! or deceiv! or decept! or defendant or defraud! or denied or deny or disciplin! or discrim! or dissolut! or distort! or divorc! or embattled or foreclos! or fraud! or guilt! or harass! or indecen! or insolv! or investigat! or judgement or judgment or libel! or liquidat! or litigat! or misappropriat! or misconduct or mismanag! or misrepresent! or narcot! or negligen! or offen! or racketeer! or revocation or revoke* or risk! or sabotag! or sanction! or scam! or scandal! or separat! or slander! or sued or suing or suspen! or terroris! or threat! or trespass! or verdict or violat! or warrant

Here is what your search would look like using Julian Assange as an example.  Note you would want to adjust the date range and content type of your search.  There are benefits to not adjusting the content type.  See the first box above, Finding Negative News in Nexis Uni.

Negative News - Company

Finding Negative News - Company

Where COMPANY NAME appearS below in the blue text, put the name of the company you are researching.  Then, cut and paste all of the blue text Nexis Uni search box to find Negative and Derogatory news about a company's illegal activity:

COMPANY NAME w/10 abus! or accus! or alleg! or arraign! or arrest! or assault! or attack! or bankrupt! or breach! or brib! or  (chapter pre/1 7 or 11) or charg! or complain! or conspir! or convict! or corrupt! or court or crime or criminal! or critici! or deceiv! or decept! or defendant or defraud! or denied or deny! or disciplin! or discrim! or distort! or embattled or embezz! or fraud! or guilt! or harass! or illegal! or incriminat! or indict! or inside! info! or insolv! or investigat! or judgement or judgment or launder! or lawsuit or legal action or liquidat! or litigat! or manipul! or misappropriat! or misconduct or misdeme! or mismanag! or misrepresent! or negligen! or offen! or probat! or probe! or probe or prosecut! or racketeer! or revocation or revoke* or risk! or sabotag! or sanction! or scam! or scandal! or separat! or steal! or stole* or sued or suing or suit or suspen! or theft or threat! or unlawful! or verdict or violat! or violen! or warrant

Here is what your search would look like using Exxon as an example.  Note you would want to adjust the date range and content type of your search.  There are benefits to not adjusting the content type.  See the first box above, Finding Negative News in Nexis Uni.

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