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SOM EndNote: Journals Term List

This guide will help you set up and use EndNote Desktop and EndNote Web.

EndNote Guide (Offline)

Term Lists

EndNote’s Term Lists are used to store terms such as keywords, author names, or journal names. You are only able to edit the term lists via EndNote Desktop.

Importing the Medical Journals Term List

Importing the Medical Journals Term List

  1. Open EndNote desktop
  2. Click Library
  3. Click Open Terms List
  4. Select Journals Term List
  5. Click the Terms tab and look to see if you have anything listed in the white box.
  6. If you already have terms listed, purge your list by selecting all terms and clicking the Delete Term button.
  7. Click the Lists tab
  8. Click the Import List button (see image below)

  1. Select the Medical.txt file and click Open
  2. The list will automatically import. Once finished, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK.
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