Exemplars of reading text complexity, quality, and range. These exemplars should serve as suggestions for teachers in selecting texts of similar complexity, quality, and range for their classrooms.
Exemplars of reading text complexity, quality, and range. These exemplars should serve as suggestions for teachers in selecting texts of similar complexity, quality, and range for their classrooms.
These close reading exemplars intend to model how teachers can support their students as they undergo the kind of careful reading the Common Core State Standards require.
The CCSS expect students to wrestle with text dependent questions. As a first step in implementing the Common Core Standards for ELA/Literacy, focus on identifying, evaluating, and creating text dependent questions.
Resources to Help Teach the Common Core State Standards in ELA
These visual representations assist the student in organizing abstract “big picture” information that is new, overwhelming or misunderstood. They include: argument, compare and contrast, dialectic response, inquiry, synthesizing, and vocabulary.