It is possible that your requests for material through the Ares Course Reserve system may exceed the amount the Library is able to pay for copyright permissions. In that case, you may want to consider creating a custom course pack. Always check with Course Reserve staff before ordering a course pack, however, as the Library has licenses that allow us to make most requested content available through Ares.
The Hofstra University Bookstore offers faculty the option to create a custom course pack through the service Xanedu.
Course packs are generally a compilation of articles, cases, textbook chapters, and other copyrighted materials compiled to supplement learning materials for an individual instructor or course.
For new course pack orders, the process takes an average of two to four weeks, though in rare circumstances the process can take longer. Allow up to 6 weeks to be absolutely safe. Once you have created a course pack, if you want to re-use it for another semester, turnaround time will be approximately one week.
To request a Xanedu course pack, contact the Hofstra University Bookstore at 516-463-6654.