Books of Interest.
Make Your Own History; Documenting Feminist and Queer Activism in the 21st Century. Editors, Lyz Bly and Kelly Wooten. 2012. Axinn HQ1155. M346 2012
Ephemeral Material: Queering the Archive. Alana Kumbier, 2014. Axinn CD971. K86 2014
Archiving Transgender: Affects, Logics, and the Power of Queer History. (Ph.D. dissertation). Kelly Jacob Rawson, Syracuse University, 2010. (Open-access and downloadable at the site.)
You must be logged in to access the Permalinks to the articles. They are permanent as long as Hofstra University holds the subscription to the journal.
Bryan-Wilson, J., & Dunye, C. (2013). Imaginary Archives: A Dialogue. Art Journal, 72 (2), 82-89. Permalink
Chen, M.Y. (2010). Everywhere Archives. Australian Feminist Studies, 25 (64), 199-208. Permalink
Latimer, T.T. (2013). Conversations on Queer Affect and Queer Archives. Art Journal, 72 (2), 34-37. Permalink
Lewis, A.J. (2014). I Am 64 and Paul McCarthy Doesn't Care. Radical History Review, (120), 13-34. Permalink
Marshall, D., Murphy, K.P., & Tortorici, Z. (2014). Queering Archives: Historical Unravelings. Radical History Review, (120), 1-11. Permalink
McBane, B. (2013). Veronica's Ghost: Queer Time and the Porous Archive. Art Journal, 72 (2), 58-63. Permalink
At Hofstra University archival resources are held in Special Collections. There is a link to the full description, including location, phone numbers and hours of operation, on the University Library Webpage. Within Special Collections the following three collections may be of special interest to those doing LGBTQ+ research. Consult with staff members of Special Collections to find out about other resources held there.
The Howard L. and Muriel Weingrow Collection of Avant-Garde Art and Literature. Contains materials on artists and authors of GLBT interest.
The Avant-Garde Literature Collection. Poetry and other literature from circa 1950 to the 1970s.
The Private Press Collection. Small and special presses many of which published on GLBT topics. Best to know the name of the author, the publisher or title when using this collection.
The Pulp Fiction Collection. The Hofstra University collection of pulp fiction (mid 1930s to late 1960s) focuses on specific "edge" fiction. Typical examples deal with race, ethnicity, drug culture, capitivity and domination themes, as well as a growing number of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendr literary themes.
Digital Transgender Archive (Maybe the largest and most important. I would begin research into archival resources here.)
Bay Area Reporter (San Francisco)
"Gay is Good": Digital Collections in LGBTQ U.S. History" Lisa N. Johnston. College and Research Libraries News. Vol. 80, no. 8 (2019) has a good list with excellent descriptions of the archives reproduced below.
Independent Voices (Database of "alternative" newspapers)
Invisible History Project Southern States.
Lesbian Herstory Archives The LHA is located in New York City and students may be able to arrange a visit. A portion of the collection is online.
LGBTQ Religious Archive Network
Libraries and the LGBT Community Although a Wikipedia page, the section entitled "Incomplete List of LGBTQ Archives/Libraries/Special Collections" was started by a librarian. Some of the library webpages contain reading lists and suggestions of specific books to read and may be useful for those doing research or developing a course in LGBT Studies.
New York Public Library Digital Collections
One: Archives at the USC Libraries
Que(e)ry Librarians maintains an extensive resource page on libraries, museums, archives, oral histories and other resources.
Society of American Archivists. Diverse Sexuality and Gender Section specifically publishes this Lavender Legacies Guide.
Stonewall OutLoud - Story Corps
NYC LGBT Historical Sites Project An initiative to document historic and cultural sites associated with LGBT experience in New York City.
Dallas Denny is a transgender activist and historian. She has donated a collection of materials to the University of Michigan's Special Collections Library, where it is held as the National Transgender Library and Archive collection, 1977-2001. In this link she discusses transgender autobiography.
Chrysalis Quarterly Blog/Journal successor to the print publication by the same name which ceased in 1998. Focus on transgender issues.
Songs for the Holy Other By the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada.
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