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Student Services

Requesting Materials

First-time users should log into ILLiad with their Hofstra credentials and complete the short registration details form (a one-time process). After that, you will be able to request and track the process of all your Interlibrary Loan request through ILLiad, our loan processing system.

Logon to your ILLiad account and choose the appropriate request type from the menu (book, chapter, article, etc.). Fill in as much information as you have available to ensure we borrow the correct item.

Book requests are usually filled in about 8 working days. Articles typically come much more quickly, 24-48 hours. Articles are delivered electronically. Books will be available at the Axinn Library Circulation Desk.

Note:  The ILLiad request form will be automatically populated if you are using the “Request this item through interlibrary loan” link in Discovery or the link resolver, or the “Request Item” button in WorldCat. 



Law students and faculty should use the Law Library's Interlibrary Loan Service.

What can I request?

Books, dissertations, microforms, audio-visual items, and other material that supports academic research or teaching can be requested via Interlibrary Loan. In addition, you can request journal articles, book chapters, maps, or any other material that can be reproduced or digitized. Requests for material published in the last 2 years will be considered for purchase and addition to the library collection.

PLEASE NOTE: Lenders of audio-visual such as VHS, DVD, CD, and other recordings are difficult to find and processing these requests may require more time and expense than a book or article. Interlibrary Loan staff will do its very best to obtain these types of materials, but please be aware that it may take a substantially longer amount of time. Additionally, recently published and/or popular books (for example, New York Times best sellers) can be difficult to borrow.

Copyright and Interlibrary Loan

In accordance with federal copyright law, you must place a separate request for each item you need. If your request exceeds what is allowed by federal copyright law or CONTU Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan, we reserve the right to cancel it. In that case, we would contact you to discuss your alternatives. For more on copyright at Hofstra, visit the Copyright Information Center.

Please note that all ILL items requested are for your personal use only. If you need an item for reserve or Canvas use, please consult the University copyright policy. Direct any questions to Sarah McCleskey, Vice Dean for Admin & User Services.

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