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Government Information Guide

This guide will assist you in locating information from international, U.S. government, state, and local governments.

Contact Information

Profile Photo
Georgina Martorella
037B Axinn Library
Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549

About the Depository

John W. Wydler Government Information Depository

Hofstra University received its designation as a federal depository library in 1964 from Congressman John W. Wydler.  In the over 60 years of our existence we have built a very fine collection of materials, both current and archival.  In 1989, upon its 25th anniversary, the depository was named for Congressman Wydler whose congressional papers were donated to the University.  In 2012, the depository transitioned to a primarily online collection, providing access to electronic government information.

The John W. Wydler Federal Depository provides access to federal government information in areas such as the following: congressional committee hearings, bills and reports, Public Laws, the Congressional Record and its predecessor titles, Serial Set documents and reports, and publications from most federal agencies and departments.  Specialized finding aids include the Catalog of Government Publications, Congressional Publications, and

Getting help

Need some one-on-one help?  You can visit the reference desk during reference desk hours.  The desk is located on the main floor of Axinn Library and is  staffed with faculty librarians who are there to help you with your research questions.

Or you can call the reference desk during reference hours (516-463-5962). 


Or use the ASK US link to submit your question.

Or you can make an appointment with me to get some in-depth help with your research.  Simply click on the blue SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT button under my profile photo (left column of this page) and follow the prompts.

Or you can make an appointment with a different librarian subject specialist to get in-depth help with your research.  Simply click on the ASK A LIBRARIAN--IN PERSON link on the Library Homepage and follow the prompts.

Check out our HUL STUDENT SERVICES page for more Library services.


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