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SOM Research Impact: Scopus


This resource provides free access to journal-level metrics used in Elsevier's Scopus database, and includes CiteScore and Percentile ranking, Source Normalized Impact Per Paper (SNIP), Citation Count,  Number of Articles Published, and Scimago Journal Rank (SJR). It also provides rankings by journal country of origin and numerous visual representations of journal impact data.

1. Go to SCImago Journal & Country Rank web site.

2. Click on the Journal Ranks icon on homepage.

3. Make your selections from the drop down menus to generate a report. You can download the data by clicking the Download Data button.

You can generate similar reports for comparing different countries. Click the Country Ranks button on the homepage to begin.

Scopus Author Metrics

Scopus allows researchers to analyze citation metrics on authors as well as specific articles by an author.

  • Author Search: Start by using the "Author Search" tab contained in the "Search" page to locate materials by the author of interest. The more detail you can provide regarding the author, the more precise your search will be, but last name and first initial and/or institutional affiliation are generally the minimum requirements. Scopus uses the "Scopus Author Identifier" to attempt to group documents by the same author, but be aware that a single author may be listed more than once depending on different forms of the name or a change in institutional affiliation. Here is more information about the Author Identifier, and linking it to your ORCID. Once you select the correct author then you can use the analytic tools below.
  • Citation Overview: After you have completed the "Author Search", tick the box next to the author name(s) to select, and then click on "View citation overview" at the top of the list of names. This will show a table listing the documents by the author(s), and the number of times each article has been cited by year.
  • Author Evaluator: After you have completed the "Author Search", click on the author's name to go into the author's details page. Next to the listing for "Documents" click on "View Author Evaluator." From here you can examine various aspects of the author's "Documents" including: sources (where published), document types, years of publication, subject areas and co-authors. Other tabs on this page include "Citations" offering a graph of the total number of citations by year of an author's published works and the "h Index" and h-graph.

From University of Arizona

1. Open Scopus, signing in if necessary.

2. In the search box, switch to the Author search tab and enter the name of the author you are searching.

3. Check the box next to the author you wish to review.

4. From this screen, you can use the Show Documents or View Citation Overview tools by clicking the buttons located above the author listings. Here is a demo of the view citation overview tool.

Scopus Article Level Metrics

Scopus now integrates data from PlumX Metrics (an altmetrics provider) as the source of its article-level metrics, along with traditional measures (such as citations), to present a richer and more comprehensive picture of an individual article’s impact.

The Article Metrics module can be found on Scopus in the Document details page, where a dropdown highlights Scopus citation count (along with percentile benchmarking), Field-weighted citation impact and PlumX Metrics. Clicking on “View all metrics” opens a more detailed Metrics page, displaying all available metrics and the underlying content for further analysis and understanding.

1. Open Scopus, logging in if necessary.

2. At the search page, use the document search to retrieve your article.

3. Click on the record for your article to see the document details page.

4. In the document details page, scroll down to the Metrics bar to get a summary of metrics for the article.

5. To view the full report, click More Metrics

Unique Scopus Metrics

FWCI (field-weighted citation impact) considers variations in research and citation behavior across disciplines and facilitates benchmarking among disciplines.

It is the number of citations received by a document divided by the expected number of citations for similar documents in the same field of research.

Citation benchmarking calculates how citations for this article compare with the average for similar articles in the same field. 


If you would like help creating metrics reports for a researcher, lab group or unit, have questions about metrics or accessing the tools in this guide, or would like guidance on metrics not discussed in this guide, please contact:

Lena Bohman, Data Services and Research Impact Librarian,

Hofstra University

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