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SOM Research Impact: Publication/Patent Metrics

Web of Science

With each article or conference paper indexed in Web of Science, you can get a Times Cited count, the number of times the paper was cited by other works indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (which includes the Conference Proceedings and Book Citation Indexes). From Times Cited, you can link out to see the citing works.

You can analyze any set of citing papers to find out more about who cited your work. From Analyze Results, you can generate treemaps, bar graphs, and text-delimited files. The treemap/bar graph visualization allow for up to 25 results, and the text-delimited file allows for up to 500 results.   

  • Document Types - How many times was your article cited in other articles, reviews, proceedings, or book chapters? 
  • Authors / Organizations / Countries - Which authors cited your article, where are they affiliated, or what country are they from? This information might be useful if you are asked about the global reach of your work.
  • ​​​Funding Agencies and Grant Numbers -  These are helpful if you want to see a breakdown of the citing works based on who funded their research.
    • Funding agencies and grant number are also searchable fields in Web of Science. However, the agency names haven't been normalized, so you'll need to include possible variants (EPA OR Environmental Protection Agency).

Box Adapted from UCSD

With a Web of Science account, you can create citation alerts to be notified when an article has been cited.

The Cited Reference Search will identify citing works that haven't been counted in the actual Times Cited count.

  • Usage Counts - The number of times that users interacted with the Web of Science record for the article beyond viewing the abstract, including linking out to the full text article or saving the reference to EndNote or another reference manager.
  • Highly Cited in Field, denoted with a  - For the time period identified, the article was cited enough to place it in the top 1% of articles for its given field and publication year. This data comes from Essential Science Indicators, which uses 22 broad subject fields. 
  • Hot Papers in Field, denoted with a  - For the two month period identified, this paper, published in the last 2 yeas, was cited enough to place it in the top 0.1% of articles for that field and publication year. This data also comes from Essential Science Indicators.
  • InCites - The library also subscribes to the InCites analytics platform from Clarivate.  Via InCites we can provide deeper level reports, for example, a citation count based on first/last/corresponding authors.


Scopus now integrates data from PlumX Metrics (an altmetrics provider) as the source of its article-level metrics, along with traditional measures (such as citations), to present a richer and more comprehensive picture of an individual article’s impact.

The Article Metrics module can be found on Scopus in the Document details page, where a dropdown below the abstract highlights Scopus citation count (along with percentile benchmarking), Field-weighted citation impact and PlumX Metrics. Clicking on “View all metrics” opens a more detailed Metrics page, displaying all available metrics and the underlying content for further analysis and understanding.

Adapted from University of Arizona

FWCI (field-weighted citation impact) considers variations in research and citation behavior across disciplines and facilitates benchmarking among disciplines.

It is the number of citations received by a document divided by the expected number of citations for similar documents in the same field of research.

Citation benchmarking calculates how citations for this article compare with the average for similar articles in the same field. 

Google Patents

Google Patents includes more than 120 million patent publications from 100+ patent offices (including US, WIPO, Europe, Japan, UK, Canada, etc). Included in the full text of the patent will be a list of citing patents, including family to family citations.

In the general information section in the patent record, under the Application events, the Cited by link will direct you to the list of citing patents, including family-to-family patents.



Dimensions currently indexes more than 90 million journal articles, as well as grants, patents, policy papers, and clinical trials. Dimensions and Altmetirc are both part of Digital Science.

In Dimensions, you can get a Citations count based on publications in the Dimensions database, some additional citation metrics, AND an Altmetric attention score. From the article record, you can view a list of citing papers, any supporting grants (with links to find more articles funded by that grant), as well as any linking patents, policy papers and clinical trials indexed in Dimensions. You can also link out to the Altmetric details page to find out where your article is getting attention from news, social media, etc. 

Adapted from UCSD

For any search in Dimensions, the "Analytical Views" slider can be used to instantly interpret the results. While doing a search in Dimensions, click on any aspect of the "Analytical Views" on the right-hand side of the browser window to open this area by sliding across to the left of the screen, displaying the selected visual. The search terms and filters may still be changed with the left-hand-side filters or keywords in the main search box, and these changes will then be reflected by changes in the visualizations seen.

Source: Dimensions

  • Relative Citation Ratio - Calculated for PubMed-indexed articles at least two years old, the RCR is the relative citation performance compared to other articles in its research area (defined here as the articles cited alongside it). A value higher than 1.0 shows a citation rate above average.
  • Recent Citations - the number of citations received in the last two years.
  • Field Citation Ratio - Calculated for all Dimensions publications at least 2 years old and published after 1999, the FCR indicates the relative citation performance of an article, when compared with similarly-aged articles in its subject area. A value higher than 1.0 shows a higher than average citation performance.

Adapted from UCSD

From the Zucker School of Medicine Faculty Profiles site, you can view metrics from Dimensions for each publication listed.

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a faculty member's name in the search box
  3. Click on their name in the search results
  4. On the top menu, navigate to the "Publications" tab
  5. For every article with metrics, there will be a box labled "Citations." Click on the box for more details


iCite, from the NIH, provides bibliometric information for journal articles that have been included in the PubMed database. The data produced by iCite can be downloaded as a customized report from the dashboard and could be used to understand the influence of articles within an analysis group. 

The following data are produced using iCite:

  • Total number of articles within the analysis group (Total Pubs)
  • Mean number of articles published per year (Pubs/Year)
  • Number of citations for articles in the analysis group per year (Cites/Year): maximum, mean, standard error of the mean, and median
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): maximum, mean, standard error of the mean, and median
  • Weighted RCR: the sum of the RCRs for the articles within the analysis group

The Relative Citation Ratio (RCR) is a citation-based measure of scientific influence of a publication. It is calculated as the citations of a paper, normalized to the citations received by NIH-funded publications in the same area of research and year. 

The area of research is defined by the corpus of publications co-cited with the article of interest (the “co-citation network”) - it is therefore dynamically defined. In other words, the RCR indicates how a publication has been cited relative to other publications in its co-citation network and this is assumed to be reflective of the article’s area of research.

The RCR is calculated for all PubMed publications which are at least 2 years old. Values are centered around 1.0 so that a publication with an RCR of 1.0 has received the same number of citations as would be expected based on the NIH-norm, while a paper with an RCR of 2.0 has received twice as many citations as expected. 

From Dimensions


Lens is a new discovery system for articles and patents, with an extensive number of search fields and tools for visualizing bibliometric data. Like Web of Science and Dimensions, you can use it to see times cited counts for your articles, and of course the numbers will vary across the three databases. However, Lens will also identify patents that cite your articles, as well as other articles. You can also search Lens for patents that you have authored to what patents have cited your patent.

Adapted from UCSD.

The Dashboard allows you to analyse your search with charts, over number of facets. Dashboards can be saved, presented and shared via LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook or email.


If you would like help creating metrics reports for a researcher, lab group or unit, have questions about metrics or accessing the tools in this guide, or would like guidance on metrics not discussed in this guide, please contact:

Lena Bohman, Data Services and Research Impact Librarian,

Hofstra University

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