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SOM Research Impact: Web of Science

Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports provides total cites, Journal Impact Factor,  5-Year Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Number of Articles, Eigenfactor Score, and Article Influence Score.

The Journal Impact Factor is a way to measure the relative impact of a particular journal within its field, based on the average number of times an article published will be cited in the near future, which is calculated like this:

It also displays the Eigenfactor: The value of the Eigenfactor is similar to the Journal Impact Factor or the 5-year Journal Impact Factor. Unlike those, the Eigenfactor assigns weight or value to each earned citation, according to the citedness of the citing journal. Consider two journals: Journal A is highly cited; Journal B is poorly cited. Cites coming from Journal A are given greater weight when the Eigenfactors for journals B-Z are being calculated and cites from Journal B are given less weight when calculating Eigenfactors for journals A & C-Z. (from Clarivate)

Adapted from UCSD

1. Go to Web of Science, logging in if necessary.

2. In the upper right hand corner, click on the menu. Navigate to Journal Citation Reports.

3. From this screen, you can search for a specific journal, or browse. Click on Browse Categories.

4. Navigate to Clinical Medicine, then Emergency Medicine (or substitute your preferred categories), and then select a group of journals.

5. Check the boxes next to two journals you would like to compare, and then click Compare to generate a report.

Analyze Results

With each article or conference paper indexed in Web of Science, you can get a Times Cited count, the number of times the paper was cited by other works indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (which includes the Conference Proceedings and Book Citation Indexes). From Times Cited, you can link out to see the citing works.

You can analyze any set of citing papers to find out more about who cited your work. From Analyze Results, you can generate treemaps, bar graphs, and text-delimited files. The treemap/bar graph visualization allow for up to 25 results, and the text-delimited file allows for up to 500 results.   

  • Document Types - How many times was your article cited in other articles, reviews, proceedings, or book chapters? 
  • Authors / Organizations / Countries - Which authors cited your article, where are they affiliated, or what country are they from? This information might be useful if you are asked about the global reach of your work.
  • ​​​Funding Agencies and Grant Numbers -  These are helpful if you want to see a breakdown of the citing works based on who funded their research.
    • Funding agencies and grant number are also searchable fields in Web of Science. However, the agency names haven't been normalized, so you'll need to include possible variants (EPA OR Environmental Protection Agency).

Adapted from UCSD

1. Navigate to Web of Science, logging in if necessary.

2. From the home page, use the Documents search to find your article.

3. Click on the Citations number in the document record to see a list of citing articles.

4. From the list of citing articles, click on Analyze Results.

5. You can change the dropdowns and options to complete your analysis. You can also Download the results.

Setting Alerts

With a Web of Science account, you can create citation alerts to be notified when an article has been cited.

1. Navigate to Web of Science, logging in to Hofstra or Northwell as needed.

2. In the upper right hand corner, click on Sign In to sign in to your Web of Science account. If you do not have a Web of Science account, create one now - this is separate from your Hofstra or Northwell credentials.

3. From the Web of Science homepage, use the Documents Search to search for the article you would like to set an alert on.

4. Click on the record in the results to navigate to the document details page.

5. In the upper righthand corner of the record, click on Create Citation Alert.


If you would like help creating metrics reports for a researcher, lab group or unit, have questions about metrics or accessing the tools in this guide, or would like guidance on metrics not discussed in this guide, please contact:

Lena Bohman, Data Services and Research Impact Librarian,

Creating a Citation Report

Through creating a citation report, you can view author level citation metrics. Web of Science can also natively create data visualizations from citation metrics, which can be exported and reused.

1. Navigate to Web of Science, signing in with your Hofstra or Northwell credentials as necessary.

2. From the home page, use the Documents search. In the dropdown on the left-hand side, change to an Author search.

3. Run a search for your author name(s).

4. In the results screen, click on Citation Report (to the right of the search bar).

From here, you can further clean the data, analyze the results, or export the report.

Cited Reference Searching

Cited Reference Searching is another way to find citing works in Web of Science beyond what shows up in the Times Cited list. Instead of searching for an article and then viewing the cited references from the Times Cited count, you search for any references to your work in the cited reference lists of all the works indexed in Web of Science. For the search, you usually enter an author (first author is recommended) and the year the work was published, along with the title of the publication if the search needs to be narrowed. If the article was published in one year, but added to Web of Science the next, search on years.


1. Navigate to Web of Science, logging in to Hofstra or Northwell as needed.

2. In the search page, go to the Documents Search tab, then select the Cited References option.

3. Fill out your search terms: enter in the author, year, and, if needed, title or journal title. Run the search.

4. Select results you are interested in, then click See Results

5. From the results page, you can perform analysis or export your results.

Other Metrics

  • Usage Counts - The number of times that users interacted with the Web of Science record for the article beyond viewing the abstract, including linking out to the full text article or saving the reference to EndNote or another reference manager.
  • Highly Cited in Field, denoted with a  - For the time period identified, the article was cited enough to place it in the top 1% of articles for its given field and publication year. This data comes from Essential Science Indicators, which uses 22 broad subject fields. 
  • Hot Papers in Field, denoted with a  - For the two month period identified, this paper, published in the last 2 years, was cited enough to place it in the top 0.1% of articles for that field and publication year.
  • InCites - The library also subscribes to the InCites analytics platform from Clarivate.  Via InCites we can provide deeper level reports, for example, a citation count based on first/last/corresponding authors.

Creating an Author Profile

Getting a profile in Web of Science allows you to:

  • Track citations
  • Be assigned a Web of Science ResearcherID
  • Track and update publications on profiles and across Web of Science
  • Track peer review and journal editing work
  • Download customizable reports for funding and promotion applications.

You can populate your Web of Science profile using your ORCID profile. Refer to the Clarivate tutorial below for steps on creating your Researcher Profile.

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