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Northwell/ZSOM Advancing ERSD - Putting It All Together (PIAT): The Art of Writing for Dissemination: Welcome to the PIAT Series Guide!

Welcome to the Advancing ERSD - PIAT: The Art of Writing for Dissemination Resources Guide

This LibGuide provides you with all the resources and materials discussed in each of the class sessions experienced during the Advancing ERSD - PIAT: The Art of Writing for Dissemination course series, now being offered in March and April 2024.

This course series was created and taught by Dr. Alice Fornari, EdD, FAMEE, RDN, HEC-C and Stacy Posillico, MLS, JD, AHIP-D.

Keep checking back!  This guide will be updated after each session with all the resources we have shared with you.

Is This Your Year to Get Started?

Series Description

This four session series will advance your skills to "put it all together." Learn the art of writing an engaging and compelling presentation of your work that can be submitted to the journal or conference of your choice.

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