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SOM Data Management: Data Analysis and Visualization

Access Information

All of the following tools are freely available, have a free option (freemium), or available through Northwell or the ZSOM (access directions indicated).

Qualitative Data Analysis Tools

Survey Tools

Deidentification Tools

Visualization Tools

Tableau (Available to users with Hofstra email addresses via PrideDesktop. Click here for access instructions. Or, visit the Northwell Tableau Page)

A tool to produce advanced graphics with numeric and categorical data. Also includes some analysis tools. Learn about Tableau here.

Tableau also has a free version, Tableau Public.

BioRender (Access through Zucker SOM Library)

Online tool for creating scientific figures. Tutorials here.

RAWGraphs (free)

A web-browser based data visualization tool that is easy to navigate for users unfamiliar with statistics and data sets. Tutorials here

Datawrapper (free)

An open source data visualization platform helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes. Tutorials here

Nomic Atlas (freemium)

Create a cloud visualization from unstructured data.

An extensive list of data visualization tools compiled by University of Buffalo is available here.

GIS Mapping

ArcGIS (Available to users with Hofstra email addresses via Pride Desktop. Click here for access instructions.)

Powerful software for geospatial data analysis. Learn ArcGIS

ArcGIS online (freemium)

Platform created by ESRI (makers of ArcGIS) focused on online storytelling with maps.

QGIS (free)

Open source alternative to ArcGIS. QGIS Tutorials

Scribble Maps (freemium)

Custom map builder, based on google maps. Training playlist on YouTube

Quantitative Data Analysis Tools

SPSS (Available to users with Hofstra email addresses via Pride Desktop. Click here for access instructions.)

A software designed to solve business and research problems through ad hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, geospatial analysis and predictive analytics. Tutorial from IU

PSPP (free)

Open source alternative to SPSS.

GraphPad Prism 

Available to all Northwell Health staff and students of the ZSOM or the Elmezzi Graduate School of Molecular Medicine. Priority access provided for Residents, Fellows, GME Program Directors and Associate Directors, for individual or multi-user department access. Contact for application form.

A versatile statistics tool purpose-built for scientists. Click here for an overview video.

Gephi (free)

A free software for network analysis, comprised of "nodes" and "edges". Guide here

Orange (free)

Free, open source data analysis and visualization with easy to construct visual "workflows."  Guide here

Qiita (free)

Qiita (canonically pronounced cheetah) is an entirely open-source microbial study management platform. It allows users to keep track of multiple studies with multiple ‘omics data. Additionally, Qiita is capable of supporting multiple analytical pipelines through a 3rd-party plugin system, allowing the user to have a single entry point for all of their analyses. Tutorial here

Coding Languages and Packages

SAS (Available to Northwell employees via the biostatistics unit for a fee. Contact

A command-driven software package used for statistical analysis and data visualization. SAS Tutorial by Dr. Dwight Galster

MATLAB (Available to current Hofstra students. See here.)

MATLAB is an application based on a scripting language specifically designed for expressing matrix and array mathematics. Try this introductory course from the Carpentries on MATLAB.

Python/Anaconda (free)

Anaconda is the most popular Python distribution and includes popular data science packages. Try this introductory course from the Carpentries on Python.

R and RStudio (free)

R is a free, open source software program for statistical analysis, based on the S language. RStudio is a free, open source IDE (integrated development environment) for R. (You must install R before you can install RStudio.) Try this introductory course from the Carpentries on R.


Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python.


Arrays in Python.


pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool.


Network analysis


Machine learning and data mining


Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.


bqplot is a Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for the Jupyter notebook.


Tools for processing natural language data


Creating data visualizations


Data manipulation and cleaning


Machine learning


Generates automated reports for documenting your code and preserving reproducibility


Collection of common data science packages


Robust package for data wrangling

See also this article with many more specialized data analysis packages.

The R Graph Gallery

Inspiration for data visualization in R.

Bibliometric Analysis


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